
Bought a Panasonic SA-PT460 surround sound system - can't get the back 2 speakers working.?

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I have good sound from the front 3 speakers but the rear 2 don't emit any sound. I've checked all the connections and they are OK. The dog has eaten the manual. Help




  1. Are you listening to a dolby digital movie and have the receiver set for Dolby Digital? The rear speakers don't always have sound depending on the soundtrack at that time in the movie. If you have it hooked up correctly, put something on that your sure is using all 5 speakers. Titanic has all 5 going during the engine room scenes.

  2. Hi. I have just been reading your manual, on the Panasonic website. If you open your manual, and look at page 31, or the paragraph called "Using sound effects" Try using the test tone, just to see if all your speakers are operating properly. Good luck and happy listening.

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