
Bought a car from salvage yard, salvage yard is gone title never signed over?

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I bought a vehicle from salvage yard along with a title. name on title is the salvage yard place now the place is closed down. How can I get it transferred if they didn't sign over




  1. your pretty much screwed, sorry to say it, about the only way to get the title legal is either track the people down or if you have proof you bought the car, talk to the police.

  2. Why in the world would you do that?  Here is a news flash-if they did not sign over the title, do you have a bill of sale?  No? Do you have a receipt for the purchase price that lists the vin of the vehicle or at least a description of the vehicle?  No?  Sounds to me like you donated whatever money you paid them. Here is a way.  Find an auto repair shop, ask them if they will put a mechanics lien on the vehicle, you can also do this with storage facilities, get a mechanics lein, get a new title,and get on with life.

  3. call the sec. of state and ask them

  4. Apply for a Reconstructed Title

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