
Bought a dog from some strangers and think she could have been neglected. What do you think?

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My husband and I put an add on asking if anyone has a German Shepard. We got a response and went to meet her, she was perfect! We fell in love at first sight! So we brought her home with us and while looking her over outside first we noticed dirty marks under her belly, as we looked closer we realized oh my goodness that's not dirt! Its flees! A LOT of flees! So we gave her 3 flee baths until they were all gone, also gave her a lovely flee collar and that Spot On stuff to protect her for 3 months. Her toe nails were also very long so we clipped those. Another thing that bothered us the most was that every time you went to pet her, hook her up with the leach or any type of movement she would cower down. That's not a good sign right? So anyways make the already long story short not even a week we've had her and my husband let her outside on the leash quick to go pee, next thing I know I look out and she was gone. The collar they had her wearing slipped right off of her and now she's missing. The old dog owners know about it, and after we have already been looking for days, Humane Society even gave us a trap for her and we have seen her several times but shes too scared to let us catch her, the old owners want us to give her back right away when we find her. I don't want to give her back, were so attached to her and looking for her day and night has made us care for her so much more. She's part of our family now and we are so scared to give her back. So any idea's of what I should do or if you believe she was neglected please let us know your opinions. Thank you for your time.




  1. Surley sounds like it. Take it slow with her and let her get use to you. Never make fast movments around her. sounds as if she may have been hit a time or two. After a few weeks I would recommend and short training class and then the trainer can offer better advice after actually being with the dog for a while.  I would keep her though she will come aroundHope this helps. and good luck!

  2. First of all, Craigslist is a bad place to look for just about anything, so for future reference, It's best to go to a shelter. As for your dog, you could try luring her back with food and tread carefully when she comes so you can regain her trust. When you get her back, DO NOT give her back to the previous owners, because she was obviously neglected and possibly suffered abuse in her previous home since you said she is fearful of humans. If anything report them and take some classes so you and your husband can can bond with her more. Good luck!

  3. Hi,  Your question brought tears to my eyes. The more of it i read, well i was sobbing uncontrollably.  I truly hope your baby comes home to you.  Without  a doubt do not give her back no matter what.  I know all to well that sick feeling in your stomach & the heart ache that you feel.  

    My Bichon pup was given to me by a friend of a friend.  I also believe that she was mentally abused.  Like your girl, when i first got her a month ago she was extremely frightened  & leary of me.  Let her set the pace.  Of course you have to set some boundaries.  Give her as much love and comfort that she will take.  

        In addition to searching for her i thought you may want to notify Animal Control & tell them your situation.  Don't know if you got around to registering & vaccinations?  If you didn't hopefully you will get an understanding Animal Control Officer because the fines will run about $300.00.

    Good luck  & i hope you find your little girl today.

    Please feel free to e-mail me & let me know how you make out.  My heart goes out to both of you.

    I'll say a prayer that she returns shortly.

  4. sounds like it

  5. They gave you the dog, so she's yours now.  I definately would not give her back.  They may or may not have neglected her, it's hard to say.  But what is easy to see is that you care far more about this dog than they did, or they wouldn't have given her up in the first place.  I hope you find her and provide her with the loving home she deserves!

  6. She sounds not only neglected but abused.  I would NEVER give the dog back to those people.  Just make sure she's secured and work on winning her trust.

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