
Bought furniture from a friend?

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I bought furniture from a friend that had it given to her from a friend now she moved he is going to my job asking for me wanting me to pay him or give him the furniture back will i have to pay him or give the furniture to him




  1. When her other friend gave her the furniture, it was hers to do with as she pleased.  You paid her for it so his rub should be with her.  But since she has already given him the heave ho, he knows what she will say.  I hope you have a bill of sale from her or a way to prove you paid for the furniture or that you have it rightfully.  Why should you take the loss?  He sounds like a real loser.  Just for fun tell him that if he gets her to refund your money (plus some for inconvenience) and then she picks the furniture up and moves it, you will relinquish the furniture and then he can deal with her as he should be anyway. . .then I would tell him that if he continues to bother you, you will be forced to get a restraining order against him.  On the other hand, if she bilked him out of his furniture and then sold it to you, you do have his furniture and she has bilked you too, he may just have some rights.  But if he gave it to her, then he is out and too bad.  You can't buy love. . .

  2. It was a gift. Act like it.

  3. If you payed her for the furniture than it is yours. If he gave her the furniture, she had the right to do whatever she wanted to with it. If there is a question as to weather he gave her the furniture, that is between them. You need to get a restraining order to keep him away from your workplace before he causes problems for you.

  4. How can this person prove that the furniture was once his?  If he cannot prove it then you are in a good position and do not have to pay him anything.  Can you get in touch with the girl who gave (?) you the furniture and ask her if it ever belonged to this person who is making the claim.

  5. It's a gift. take it.

  6. Oh me Oh my! You in a pickle now. Guess you could ask the law  what is right. And ask your heart what is right. Then decide. Probably give it back to em. ANd be done with it. You can always get more furniture, and move on. Probably God will bless you with something better. Good lucky, as my friend from Germany says. Opps! didn't see the bought part !Ask the Cops.

  7. I would tell him that he has to deal with her because you already paid her for it. Then i would contact the police and find out what your legal options are. Also you might want to call her and find out just what is going on. If she did not have permission to sell it to you than you should get your money back from her and give him back his furniture.

  8. Don't give him a dime. The furniture is yours and if he feels like someone owes him he should file a court case and let a judge sort it out. In most states u r entitled to the furniture and he wont have a leg to stand on. Good Luck!

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