
Bought land and Mineral rights but a lease was already in place

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  1. Unfortunately, the seller can sell with an existing lease. As long as the lease is in affect you can not lease it again nor negotiate any part of such lease as the lease is in full force and binding just as if you were the one who signed it. The lease holder should transfer the show of ownership to you as soon as you send them a copy of the deed.

    Tim Metz

    I buy mineral rights and interest in North Dakota, Oklahoma, Colorado and other states

    email address-


  2. Unfortunetly, the seller can sell with an exisiting lease. As long as the lease is in affect you can not lease it again nor negotiate any part of such lease as the lease is in full force and binding just as if you were the one who signed it. The lease holder should transfer the show of ownership to you as soon as you send them a copy of the deed.

    Tim Metz

    I buy mineral rights and interest in North Dakota, Oklahoma, Colorado and other states

    email address-

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