
Bought money making ideas from ebay?

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Has anyone ever done this where they email you the information about making money? Is it any good, their feedback looks good?





  1. I'm not sure if it's a company you are talking about or not, but I bought one for $4.95 from a stay at home mom like myself who shared some of of her strategies, I guess it was an easy way to make 5 bucks, all she did was email it to me, she had just typed it all up and saved it to her computer. It did help me some. Some of it I took her advice on, some I didn't. So depending on how much it is, what have you got to lose (hoping it's no more than 5 bucks). Good luck! If they have good feedback it shouldn't be a problem and maybe they will have some good info. :)

  2. It might be good info, but you can find the same information for free by researching on google.

    Also reading the Ebay boards help a lot. They'll give you tips and advice.

  3. They email it to you, there feedback may look good but just ahave a proper check at what there feedback is for and see if you can find anyone else that has bought the same and see what they say about it.

  4. Who gets rich the ones selling the treasure maps or the ones digging up the treasure from thousands of maps.

    If you new a easy fun way that would make you rich would you sell the secret for a few dollars on Ebay?

    Most sell info that is publicly available to anyone for Free. Would not spead more than you are prepared to loss.

  5. It's a way for people who have ideas of how to make money off of you fulfill their agenda.

  6. the info may look good at first glance hence the feedback but usually its a load of rubbish usually scams doing exactly what the seller is doing (ie getting people to buy money making info at a pound a go) hence if you get 100 people to buy you have yourself £100

    there are other scams too , mailing envelope fraud companies etc , pyramid schemes , all the same

    also a lot of feedback could be from people working with this seller just to make him look good , honestly its not worth the quid , most money making schemes also ask for a larger deposit , another scam

    find some old stuff in your house that you no longer use , stick it on ebay and make some cash

    dont get scammed!

  7. I dont think its a good idea buying information.

    You should never have to 'buy' info. unless it a book.

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