
Bought new health insurance...need a check up?

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I have recently bought health insurance. I haven't abeen to a dr in 16 years since my son was born. My husband and I could never afford health insurance. I am scared to go to the dr because what if I need a hystriectomy or something I have never been diagonised with anything, but I just don't feel right. Would my insurance cover it if I needed it? I have Blue Cross of Idaho...




  1. Check with Blue Cross for coverage

  2. You can call the customer service number on the back of your card and ask them if they would cover this. That is what they are there for. Also your benefit booklet will tell you if this is covered and your card may have a web address listed that will allow you to view your benefits online.

  3. dont ask us what your insurance will and will not cover. pull out your benefit book and read it; thats why they give it to you. i work for blue shield and i will tell you, that if a hysterectomy (or whatever else) is medically necessary, the insurance company is legally obligated to provide some sort of benefit for services covered under your policy. however, just because they have to provide benefits doesnt mean that they are going to pay it 100%.

    just go to the doctor. think of it this way - if you DO have something, the longer you wait, the worse it will get.

    my mother had one done.. and you know what, if you needed one, i think you would know it. and from the way it sounds, you are fine, just scared.

  4. Generally speaking, no, if it was found that you did have something wrong with you, it would not be a pre-existing condition. If you had been to the dr a year before and was diagnosed with something that you are now going to the dr for, they could consider it a pre-existing condition. But it doesn't always have to be something that's been diagnosed. Be careful with your wording. For example, I had a lump removed from my underarm and had had the same insurance for 3 years. This lump had started when I was a young girl, but the dr's were never concerned about it. Then as I grew older, and at the time I went to the dr. about it, it had grown quite large in the last few months and was now causing me pain. After I had the surgery to remove it, my insurance denied it because they read the dr's note that said it had started when I was a child, therefore, it was a pre-existing condition. I fought it and won based on the fact that I was only told at that dr's visit that it should be removed and I also won based on the fact that there had never been a lapse in my having insurance, but that isn't the case with you.

    No matter what, it is time you go for a physical! If its been 16 years since you went to the dr, you need to go first chance. There are many "silent killers", things that can slowly be killing you that you don't even know you have such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Please don't delay an appointment any longer.

  5. Well, BC is a pretty good company.  What's your plan deductible?  That's how much you have to pay out of pocket, before the insurance kicks in.

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