
Bought new truck & lost job 15 minutes later! Dealer won't cancel contract. Any advice?

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It was bad enough that my younger widowed sister lost her job to Mexico last week.

Yesterday at 2:15 pm, my fiance bought a new truck during his lunch break (our 2 old vehicles have over 340,000 combined miles on them). When he came back to work they told him his job of 13 years was terminated, effective immediately due to downsizing. He took his pink slip to the dealership and they said they can't cancel the contract because it was done electronically and is now considered a USED truck, though it's still sitting on the lot. I am trying helplines, will try the news later, but does anyone has any ideas?

It's bad enough to try to find another job at 50 years of age, but now this truck burden?

Is this treatment why no one buys American cars anymore? All I've ever owned are American made cars with American nameplates, but this might change everything.

Thank you for any help! No thanks to NAFTA.




  1. if he hasnt signed the final line yet, he can back out. and the final line, not just the pre paperwork, which i think you sign when you pick up the truck.  but if he has signed it i think you are stuck with the truck.

  2. There is no 3-day return policy on vehicle sales. That answer shows up religiously on here, and it is incorrect.

    The only thing in your favor is that you have not taken delivery. You may be able to work something out with the dealer. If they keep refusing, contact an attorney to see what your state's laws are. I would also contact the lender on the note immediately to let them know of his situation as well. I doubt if the DMV paperwork has gone through in 24 hours, but there is a possibility.

    *Side note* - I do indeed feel for your situation. NAFTA was a joke the day it was passed, and we all were forced to buy into the sorry bag of goods. I sure hope for the best for both of you.

  3. Most states in the USA have a 3 day cancellation clause, in case people change their minds. As long as you do not take physical possetion of the vehicle (Drive it off the lot),, you have this right to cancel.

  4. COntact an attorney.  If he has not taken possession of the truck the sale is not complete.  If you ahve then you could list it on eBay or some other way and try to sell at face value but expect mayber a 10% loss.  Bummer.

  5. 1st who did you finance through contact them immediately and explain your situation and that you had the best of intentions but due to not fault of yours things have changed then contact your states consumer protection agency you have the right to cancel any contract over $25.00 with in the first 72 hours! that dealer needs to also be reported to the better business bureau ! i have no doubt that he knows the laws(or should) and is trying to rip you off -and what a creep to do this in your time of need!be sure to buy your used truck from someone else! best of luck to you-with the truck and finding a new job!

  6. If he didn't pick the truck up and drive it away, I believe transfer of ownership didn't happen. DO NOT take the truck off the lot. They are blowing smoke, and also not a reputable dealership. Check with an attorney ASAP.

  7. if your husband hasn't taken the car off the lot yet then they can be able to undo the contract no matter if it was electronically done or not. Just give them back the keys and walk away. More then likely the dmv paper work has not been processed yet, so therefor it isn't a used car yet. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this matter  =)

  8. really if he has not taken the truck off lot then the deal is not been done  yet let  them fool ya its not used til it leaves the lot

  9. Taylor Ford personnel  are the lowest form of human life on earth. What a way to treat a customer. The guy loses his job just after lunch, then goes back to the scum bags, shows them his walking papers and they say you cant back out of the deal. What compassion do we see here? NONE!.  Can you imagine if the veh needed any repairs in the future? What was in store for this customer. He certainly did not see himself getting laid off a job where he worked for for 13 yrs. I can see now why US auto makers are in trouble. Sure we build a great product but after the sale you are Nothing to them. Treated like a sub standard citizen. How do you think I feel people. I sponsored him allowing him to purchase the truck on my company plan. How ashamed I am to say I took him to Taylor Ford. You could have stripped me naked tar and feathered me and stood me up in traffic in broad day light  and I would have gotten through it. But this was a OUTRAGE. What low life's!!!!!!!!!!! I work for Ford and attend quality meetings monthly, and believe me management is going to hear of this one. Also when I have the opportunity to SLAM Taylor Ford I will. Every chance I get I don't care where I am I will tell this story. Not to add insult to injury they DROP off the truck at his residence without his permission after he clearly told them I cant take this veh now. HOW LOW CAN WE GO HERE? NOT MUCH. You SCUM BAGS Taylor Ford SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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