
Bought warranty from Best Buy for 2000 tv...need help?

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We got a television from Best Buy a year 1/2 ago...we got the 4 year warranty on it and now the television will not turn on...2 weeks ago a tech came out and told us it was 1 part...he came back last week with the part and didn't fix the television telling us it's another part, he came out yesterday and said it's another part but it won't be in for a month! Should we or should we not be able to get a replacement television now seeing that we have no television in our living room going on 3 weeks now!?




  1. Get your warranty and read it throughly.. It should state what the warranty covers and what it doesn't.  You "might" be able to call a 1-800 # and speak with a supervisor and tell them what's going on.. They might have to give you a new television.. If the television that you have is no longer produced you can get one of equal value...

    ***A friend has a similar problem with BB and they took care of it AFTER a phone call to speak with a manager....

    Good luck

  2. be honest, it is a real inconvenience, but in the warranty disclaimer it states that Best Buy has the right to REPAIR or replace at their discretion. If your set was completely dead and there was no way to repair it, they would replace it. But they will attempt everything they can to repair it before they concider replacing it, and can you blame them? Spending $500 on repairs instead of $2000 to replace it is much better. You can try speaking to a manager, but I doubt they'll say anything different.

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