
Bounced checks....How long can they persue you?

by  |  earlier

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Apparently when my husband was 16 he bounced 2 checks Well he is now 25 and we have started getting letters about the money and threating jail and sueing him, all kinds of stuff. And had also added $100 to each check They were both like $20 when they bounced. I'm really confused cause he didnt even know about these, plus this was like 9 years ago. Whats the deal?




  1. You may be interested with this :

  2. First off, I don't understand how at 16 he was able to open a checking account.  A check is considered legally binding and at age 16, you cannot enter into a contract (in other words, anything legally binding). You can open a savings account but checking is 18 and older.  If it was for anyone younger, it was opened at the banks discretion.

    Second, how could he not know about them?  He wrote checks he didnt have the money to cover them, he gets a monthly statement, plus he gets NSF notices and he claims he never knew?  I don't believe that for one second.  Bluntly,he is lying to you about that.

    Since he wrote bogus checks, he needs to call them and reach a settlement with them and then pay it.  This WILL affect his ability to open checking accounts for years to come.  Also, once it hits the court system and it isn't paid, it will stay on FOREVER. People don't realize that unpaid judgements don't fall off after 10 years.  It is a court order at that point...there is not a time limit after which they fall off.

  3. I would suggest that you offer pay-for-delete deal to collection agency and make sure you get a letter agreeing before sending them the money.

  4. Either you think we are stupid enough to believe this or you are the one who is stupid enough to believe your husbands story.

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