
Bouquet and Teddy Bear toss questions

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This is actually 2 questions?

1) Has anyone ever done the Teddy Bear Toss (you toss a teddy bear to the younger children so that they can participate & also not take away from the older gilrs withthe bouquet toss)?

2) At my sister's wedding, she rigged it so that I woudl catch her bouquet. My brother is getting married a year after me. Should I be fair & just throw it to my other female relatives too, or, rigg it so she catches it? (if she was my sister I would have rigged it, but, she's not & I'm not sure I want to take taht away from my other female relatives)?

What have you gals done when you "know" who is getting married next (as the purpose of the toss is supposed to be that whomever catches it is the next to marry)?




  1. Don't rig the bouquet toss, it's a symbolic tradition, it isn't like a floral contract or anything. Let it be a fun tradition and leave it at that.

    As for the bear toss, I think that's sweet. It's good to involve the young-ins from time to time. Just be sure you do that BEFORE cake, so they don't catch the bear with frosted fingers.

    Congratulations on the big day, by the way!

  2. We did the Teddy Bear Toss at our wedding in April. The kids loved it! We had quite a few there and it was nice for them to feel like they got to be involved. We also did a table that had coloring books and stuff so they wouldn't be bored out of their minds! As far as the bouquet toss, I just threw it and whoever caught it, caught it. I think it's more fun that way. The girls were pretty aggressive with it so it was very entertaining for me! Congrats and good luck!

  3. About the rigging...I don't think it's a bad idea, I even think it's a cute idea...I just wouldn't personally do it myself. At my Wedding I do plan for there to be a bunch of kids...I love em! So the the Teddy Bear Idea is adorable. I might even do it....But the kid's who don't win would get something too. Kids that age get their feelings hurt really easily.

               I hope you have a wonderful wedding and marriage!  

  4. i've never heard of the teddy bear toss- but that does seem cute!

    at my sisters wedding a little boy (he was 6) caught the garter-lol

    i rigged my bouquet toss at my wedding.. thew it to my friend as she just got engaged and then we rigged the garter toss so her fiancee caught the garter =)

    here is a site with some cool ideas:

    boo for whoever gave me the thumbs down!! it is askin our opinion!!

  5. The teddy bear toss is a cute idea. With regards to rigging the bouquet, I wouldn't bother. Just toss it, and whoever catches it, so be it. The girl who is getting married knows she is getting married so no need for her to catch it. It doesn't mean anything anyways, it's just a bunch of hype.

  6. well if you are already engaged, then you aren't supposed to be in the bouquet toss since it is only for single ladies.

    I think the teddy bear toss sounds cute though!

  7. I think the teddy bear toss is a great idea! Ive never heard of that

  8. I'm just throwing the bouquet, and whoever catches it, catches it, I guess.  Although it would be sort of funny to throw it to my mom, so her commitment-phobe boyfriend can have a panic attack over it, LOL.  As for the teddy bear toss, I've never heard of that, but since I don't expect many children at my wedding (and also because I know what poor sports kids can be when they don't win at something like that) I wouldn't do it.  They can just sit there, watch the grownups try to catch the bouquet, and wait until they're older, just like I had to do when I was a kid.

  9. I've never even seen a teddy bear toss, but I think it's a great idea if there are younger children at the wedding!  

    When I was married, my MOH (best friend) was getting married 2 months later, so we rigged it between the 2 of us that she would get the bouquet.  

    Handle the bouquet toss anyway you'd like to.  If you want to simply toss it, then do so!  No one really puts any stock into those superstitions anyway.  

    Good luck!

  10. Ha! My friend tried to 'rig' the bouquet toss by aiming for me, but she hucked it so hard it flew over everyone's head. Her husband's cousin ended up with it, which was fine for all concerned.

    I've never heard of the teddy bear toss. What a cute idea!

  11. no i havent done the teddy bear toss, but i think it is a very cute idea,

    no the purpose is to throw the bouquet and let it be fair and its like a compition but thats jsut my opition, i dont want to rigg it!!

  12. I have never heard of the teddy bear toos, but love the idea. we are having over 30 kids at ours, so i think we may do it!

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