
Bouquet toss question?

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My friend at work is getting married a couple of weeks before me. We are both going to each other's weddings. Should I partake in the bouquet toss? I don't really like being in those things in the first place.




  1. I wouldn't do it your not looking for a husband you already know who he is just cheer on everybody else that wish they knew who they were marrying.

  2. i was just at a wedding where the dj made every single woman get up for the toss. all the women who were engaged just stood in the back of the crowd. you don't have to try in catch it just do it for her

  3. If you don't like it then don't do it. It has nothing to do with when you're getting married.

    Caveat: if too few women go up it might be courteous to go just to make a crowd. I was at a wedding where not enough guys went up for the garter toss, so the MC encouraged "engaged guys, shameless married guys" to join in, just to make up a crowd.

  4. You are still "technically" a single woman, but it is up to you. Personally, i just went to my cousins wedding last weekend, and my wedding is in a couple of weeks and i didn't partake in that event and if anyone asked why i wasn't up there, i just said i was getting married in a month.

    Its your call in the end.

  5. You don't have to participate.

    They always made me uncomfortable so I never participated in them!

  6. No one HAS to's optional. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

  7. i wouldn't. you're tying the knot too, silly.

    you don't need to catch a bouquet anymore. you all ready caught the real deal, your knight.  

  8. It is entirely up to you whether you participate.  If you don`t want to, try to be elsewhere when it happens.

  9. Typically, engaged women do not take part in this ritual.  

  10. I agree with a previous poster -- If there are few people up there, then you should probably go up there just to be nice since you really aren't married yet and to help make a crowd for her. If there are enough people up there already, then don't worry about it if you don't want to do it.  

  11. There's nothing that says you have to. If you don't want to then don't.  

  12. If you don't like it don't do it. My husbands best friend got married a month before we did and when I went to the wedding I told the bride (also my friend) that I didn't want to join in the bouquet toss for obvious reasons and she was fine with that. I told her ahead of time so that way she knew not to point me out... she understood that since I was already getting married and I didn't much like that stuff that it wasn't a big deal. So I say if you don't want to do it then don't and just talk to your friend about it ahead of time so she knows why you didn't do it and doesn't feel offended.
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