
Bowel cleansing ~ pros cons and recommending cleansing ideas?

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I would like to know all the pros and cons and any trialed cleansing products, I have never done before and am 42 years old and interested in learning all i can about it before attempting it




  1. While I cannot speak personally from using any product for bowel cleansing, I did watch a news report about a week ago concerning this very subject.  All of the major brands now marketed for bowel cleansing were "tried & tested".  They had a scientist who reported that NONE of these products can or will do what they imply.  The only true way of cleansing your bowel is by nature only (water & fibre).  According to the scientific report, the bowel takes care of itself internally, with no need for any chemicals and/or solutions to be introduced up into it and the report further stated that it would be best all together NOT to use any product.

    Have a lovely rest of the evening.

  2. It causes pain and sometimes infections.really it can be dangerous.I have done a few when i was having severe ibs constipation.My advice is in exstreme cases ofconstpation a simple glycerin suppository and eat dryed apricots.They really clean you out naturally with no pain.

  3. Psyllium husk work wonders.

    You need to drink a lot of water with it.

    Mixed in water you may gag, but in apple juice its good(cider it better).

    You'll have big stools, but the real cleaning starts after using it regularly for about 2 wks.

    As a doc, I can't run to answer nature as I like so I do it on the weekends and still reap benefits.

  4. Not needed unless you are having a medical bowel exam.

    (Regardless of what lies you might hear, you DO NOT "build up" gunk in your bowel, and therefore you DO NOT need to "cleanse" your bowel to get rid of it.)

    This is about the stupidest new-age fad around.  I cannot understand the fascination some idiots have for enemas and laxatives.  It does not "detox" you, it has absolutely NO DOCUMENTED HEALTH BENEFITS, and it is potentially dangerous.

    Run far, far away from this nonsense as fast as you can!!

  5. Always, I have  heard about all of these "so called" bowel cleansing products and you are wasting your money. Have you ever tried colonic irrigation or just plain enemas.

  6. I have tried a couple of the bowel cleansing products and both were extremely harsh on my system and made me very sick for a few days ...........  that was quite a few years ago and i would therefore not hesitate to advise you to stay well clear of them anyways as the human body has an amazing capacity to cleanse itself if we let it do it's job and do maintain as healthy a diet as we can and drink plenty of fresh filtered water on a daily basis....... avoid those colon cleansing programmes like the plague hun .............. they're all just really slick and persistently mind numbing marketing ♥

    Dandelion tea works wonders on a sluggish liver (the primary filtering organ of the body), gall bladder (which produces bile to assist the digestion of fatty foods) and spleen ( an organ producing new red blood cels), and it also encourages bowel action and reduces fluid retention. Drinking Dandelion tea is one of the most effective ways to detox your body, because it stimulates digestive enzymes and bile to allow the easier metabolism of fatty foods.

    Dandelion leaves, alfalfa, aspargus, celery and vitamin B6 can all work as natural diuretics.

    Dandelion tea is excellent for ridding the body of excess fluid because, as the tea leaves contain high amounts of potassium, the body is not depleted of this important mineral through the diuretic effect of the tea♥

    Ensure, for therapeutic purposes, that you buy organic Dandelion leaf as the commercial or teabag varieties have had so much of their essential oils pulverised from them. Another reason to use organic is one of the properties of the Dandelion plant is to absorb metal pollutants from the atmosphere ~ as such organic really is essential. Add honey to taste if you like as the taste can be quite bitter ..... or lemons or limes if you like the tartness♥;

    2 - 3 teaspoons per teapot would be sufficient♥By buying the organic variety, the essential oils are still so potent that the spent leaves could be reused 2 - 3 times ~ simply refill the pot with hot water and rebrew for 15 - 20 minutes.♥

    Limit your intake of Dandelion tea to a period of say 2 - 3 weeks at a time ........ have rest periods in between using it ♥

    Perhaps this link may be of use to you ~

    Water, water water .... Ensure that you also hydrate your body properly with at least 2 - 3 litres of water per day as nothing substitutes for pure fresh water♥

    Try to cut back on dehydrating drinks such as coffee, tea, sodas and soft drinks and alcohol (if you drink any of these) as they will not only dehydrate you terribly but also rob you of your essential B complex of vitamins.

    Take a multi B complex supplement also.... to support healthy immune, neural and digestive functioning...... great for bolstering your body to deal with life's every day stressy situations .... Get one including all the B's ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 andB12 etc. as they all work best as a group. Don't buy any of the B complex of vitamins individually but rather as a whole group, unless specifically told to do so buy a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath ♥

    Please also ensure that you consult with a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath or herbalist before using Dandelion herb if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and do not use on infants or young children ♥

    Try to cut out all junky and pre packaged foods and eat food as freshly and as close to its natural state as you possibly can...... pump your intake of leafy and green vegies, vegies, fresh fruits, wholegrain cereals and breads, cold water fishes and organic lean meats ♥

    Also, it is important that you pinpoint any intolerances or allergies to foods that you may have as this will only hinder digestive and disrupt the elimination process.

    hope this info is usefull for you & good health 2 u♥

    Good health to you & yours♥



  7. unless you suffer from severe constipation I would not worry about bowel cleansing. I have under gone several colonics which can be very painful and had visceral manipulation to try and work through some of my IBS. I think that eating the proper amounts of roughage and drinking adequate water is the proper way to cleanse.

    I do not like to buy into the bowel obsessive hype and hysteria and only recommend colonics if you really need it for health reasons.

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