
Bowl of weed????????

by  |  earlier

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how much is a bowl of and my sister r debating..and no we do not smoke




  1. not sure.

    but a dime is usually about 10$

  2. it's the amount of weed that fits in the "bowl" of your pipe. it varies from pipe to pipe, but it isn't like, a regular bowl size.

  3. get some dried oregano or other herb out of the spice rack and fill your bowl up and weigh it.  Then use that other guy's "1 gram=$20" then do the math. (make sure you weigh the bowl first, then weigh it filled with your spices)

  4. why are you worrying about this? - most people put their weeds in the compost bin!

  5. a bowl of weed?? it's measured in grams.

    and the cost varies by what type it is. or who is selling it to you.

  6. are you talking about like a a bowl that you would smoke from? or a ceral bowl? a bowl is usually bout five dollars btw

  7. let me ask u something

    how big is ur bowl?

    then i'll tell u how much u can fit in there

  8. Why would you even care about something that profits organized crime and the Mexican cartels that kill people over drugs and corruptly run their government and effects our own society so much.

    Yea, drugs hurt know one.  YEA, RIGHT!

  9. like the bowl of a pipe is like half a dime bag

  10. i smoke, and it depends where you are in the world.

    lets assume you have a mixing bowl not jsut some itty bitty cereal bowl in the you could fit 500g easily in there probably 1kg which would be worth

    $10,000 - $20,000 dollars in the US street value.

    in the UK £3600 - £7200 street value

    in central southern asia if you found the right farmer you could fill the whole of that bowl for less than the cost of a packet of cigarettes.

    in short - lots more money than you would expect green stuff to go for it's 10000 times more expensive than lettuce and not much more difficult to grow.

  11. depends on the size of the bowl. (1gram is 20 dollars)
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