
Bowling for dummies: what do I have to pay for-game or lane?

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I want to go bowling with about 6-8 people in Florida. A cheaper, not as nice college gameroom is $20/hr per lane, plus 50cents for shoes. OR a game for either $2 or $3.50 plus $.75 or $2 for shoes (depending on time of day). I couldnt find prices for the nicer bowling lane online.

anyway, would I have to pay both, or choose the best deal depending on number of people?




  1. genrally by the hour is better but with 6+ bowlers per game maybe be a bit cheaper

  2. Usually the pricing goes per people per game + renting shoes.  Honestly though the pricing you wrote in is a bit confusing though so hopefully the first sentence is enough.

  3. When you pay by the hour, it's up to eight people per lane at (in your case) $20 total.  If you pay by the game, each person pays (again in your case $2 or $3.50) per game that they play.  So it depends on the time of day and how many people are playing.

    Remember, if you have eight people playing, it may take over an hour just to play one game, but eight people paying by the game could be as cheap as $16.

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