I've been wanting to build a Lightsworn deck ever sice I got annihilated by one in a local tournament and I'm planning to make a mass order to get the Rare and upper LS cards, since I don't buy Boosters that much. Then I saw that Special Edition Box Set, with 30 SE packs each and now I'm stuck in a dillema. My Lightsworn cards cost $290.91, and 4 Box Sets cost $319.96, both without shipping fee included. At first glance, it seems that the Box is the best choice, with: 3 Rares per pack, 30 packs per Box, 4 Boxes, equal 360 Rare and upper cards. Buying the Boxes can not only get me my LS cards but also sweet little bonuses like 1 or 2 Judgement Dragons which I would not be able to even touch without Lady Luck's help, Honest, Guardian of Order, and others. The drawback is that there is no guarantee that I get the copies of the LS cards I made the order for in the first place. Your opinions would be much appreciated. Thanks.