
Boxed Saltwater?

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Hello well I have a small saltwater tank and I was looking around at and saw an ad for Boxed saltwater, and what it is is that it says that you dont have to measure it or anything, just pour it into your tank, so I was wondering if anyone on Yahoo had ever used this product and could tell me if it was worth buying. Thanks.

Link to the Saltwater:




  1. my local fish store sells pre mixed salt water, for $1.25 a gal its mixed in a huge 300 gal vat, we fill up our buckets and get however much we want

    your local lfs might offer the same service

  2. To use this would be a mistake in so many ways. i have never used it myself, but why would any real hobbyist want to? First of all it is incredibly expensive, in the upwards of 2.00 a gallon. Also, unless you use it all at once, you would have a problem storing the un-used water(it will go bad). My biggest concern with using this is that you need to be able to control your specific gravity. With water changes, evaporation, and top offs SG tends to swing up and down on the scale.  you need to be able to correct that. With this water you would more than likely be buy salt mix anyways. OH, and I make six gallon of water for 2.00 bucks.

  3. ther is a error in the link.fix it
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