
Boxer dog question?people say the boxer is stupid in the head and really doesy,is this true?

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Boxer dog question?people say the boxer is stupid in the head and really doesy,is this true?




  1. this question doesn't belong here!

  2. no the boxer isnt stupid

    agresive but never stupid

  3. no there good dogs and when trained will listen to u  

  4. The Boxer is a family dog.  Your friend and baby sitter for life.  The boxer has a natural instinct to protect small children.  Do some research and you'll find what I've said to be true.  The Boxer breed also needs a ton of attention and they're big wussies, but look as if they could tear off a knee rather easily with one bite.  They will only become aggressive if they aren't handed attention on a regular basis, but they're never aggressive around small children.  Excellent family dog. Check out for some really fluffy wuffy boxer puppies.

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