
Boxers answer only - Boxing Combination Question?

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Ok, well here is my question. I am a boxing instructor/boxer and I have many good combinations that I've come up with. My combinations are very basic and easy to use in actual boxing scenarios. Here are a list of my combinations I have so far

(move in) 1, 1, 2 (Jab, Jab, Cross

(move in) 1, 2, 3, 2 (Jab, Cross, Left Head Hook, Cross)

(move in) 1, 2, 3-B, 3 (Jab, Cross, Left Body Hook, Left Head Hook)

But there is one combination I am working on. It is sneaky, it is a move in Jab, Left Head Hook (1-3). However I am not merely satified with a two punch combination, so I want you to come up with the next punch:

Jab, Left Head Hook, ________


A. Cross

B. Right Overhand

C. Right Uppercut

D. Left Uppercut

E. Left Body Hook

F. Right Head Hook (awkward for an orthodox fighter)

G. Right Body Hook (awkward for an orthodox fighter)

Give me your input and thanks ;)




  1. It is an interesting combination it would have to be executed quickly and neatly in order to be effective, like you said the right head hook would be a nice finisher for orthodox fighters but quite akward if you are doing it right after a left head hook the logical move after this would be either a jab or a cross, but if i was the fighter doing this combination i would probably end it with a step forward, since the opponent will probably step back as a result of the jab and finish him off with a straight right, or go low and catch him with an uppercut if the opponent is near the corners or on the ropes. (actually i think i have seen tyson do a similar combination in one of his earlier fights.

  2. finish it with a C. plus i really like the 1-2-3-2-3.  1,2,3-B,3 is another 1a my favorites.

  3. I imagine a lot depends on the fighter.

    If you've got Roy Jones Type circa 95, you'd go with 3 more hooks to the head.

    If you've got Mike Tyson type circa 88, you'd go with d.

    I don't see how the right hook to the body is awkward for an orthodox.  That's the one I'd throw if I were to.  I used the jab/hook combo back in my  sparring days, but left it as standalone as I felt my slow hands would get me in trouble if I added one more to the combo.  Always felt a little vulnerable to counters off a jab/hook.

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