
Boxers or boxer briefs?

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I've been wearing briefs my whole life now. Now that I'm 14, I want a change. Should I pick boxers, or boxer briefs? I do wear a lot of jeans and shorts, so I want to know which kind is more comfortable. People say that boxers are more healthy, it that true?




  1. boxers give the boys air and are better for you sperm count but don't worry bout that till you want to have kids

    boxerbrifes are what i prefer in the fall and winter plus they don't ride up but if your going to change try the boxerbrifes first so you wont feel weird in boxers

  2. Depends on if you're trying to have kids. Briefs are better for sperm production because they keep the testicles close to the body for optimal temperatures.

    Of course, since I assume this means nothing to you - who cares. Go for comfort. which is boxers of course!

  3. It is true that briefs or really tight jeans can lower your sperm count marginally, but at 14 that shouldn't concern you. Personally, I enjoy boxers because they are much looser. Wear whatever you are most comfortable with.

  4. I have been an underwear freak all my life so I like many different kinds of underwear. Change is good for you and you may want to try the boxer briefs before trying real boxers. One other thing that you might want to consider, since you are at an age when frequent erections can be embarrassing is that snug briefs often give you a chance to adjust your clothing to cover the bulge.

    With boxers, the feeling of freedom is nice, but you don't need to worry about your sperm count until you are old enough to want kids. Wear  what you feel good in. If you have a lean, muscular body you can wear anything. If you don't like your physique particularly right now, then wear something flattering.

    There is no hard or fast rule about what you wear underneath your clothes except to remember to keep changing often and also to throw out underwear before it starts to look disreputable.

    If you wear undergear that looks and feels good you are more apt to wear clothing that feels and looks good. Stop worrying about your sperm count and make the most of your appearance.

  5. Boxers.

  6. Boxers breath more, but I don't like them because they always ride up on me and my unit always ends up popping out.

    I personally like boxer briefs best.

  7. I have mostly been wearing boxer briefs my entire life and over the last year. I went fro my check up in the middel of summer wearing a pair of boxer breifs ad my doctor filled me in and said that wearing briefs can reduce your sperm count. Knowing that i immedietly switched to boxers and have never had a problem. Plus in the heat they are much more breathable.

  8. Boxers my friend, i'm 14 too and boxers are soo much more comfortable than briefs.

  9. go with the best of both worlds boxer briefs

    no unless you are trying to have kids but now it makes no difference  

  10. i say boxers are better for comfort... but if it feels kinda awkward at first, try wearing boxer briefs.  Once you get used to them, switch to boxers.  Calvin Klein's are the most comfortable from personal experience.  

  11. I wore briefs up until I was 12, then boxers till I was 17. Now I vary between boxers and boxer-briefs. I gotta say when I switched to boxer briefs the support was freaking awesome. No more free balling and they don't ride up at all. Besides if you're slim, boxer briefs look real good if you catch my drift. I usually wear boxer-briefs in the day and boxers at night. Briefs can potentially lower your sperm count but the amount they do take away is marginal at best.

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