
Boxing Purists- Has Mayweather gone over the line?- Wrestling a 441 pound Goliath- aka Big Show?

by Guest55599  |  earlier

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We all know that pro wrestling is fake, but even in it's fakeness one can still get seriously injured, in fact the first time these to met in the ring he pressed Floyd over his head and threw Floyd over the top rope- resulting in Floyd landing on his elbow.

Now it wasn't a serious injury, but it could have been!..................

I'm a big fan of Mayweather's boxing ability, in fact I don't think there is anyone out there that can defeat him........................

For you Pacquiao fans- Floyd would be arrested for murder if they ever fought!....................................

But this time Floyd's greed has gone too far,- I almost hope that he gets hurt for real to teach him not to disrespect his sport

(Our Great sport of boxing)- by taking such a stupid risk!.........





  1. Thumbs up to ElmerFuddstein, for 20 million I think we can forgive Floyd for taking up acting.

  2. Mayweather is thinking about the WWE move as a BUSINESS move only..

    yes, it is dangerous but according to reports, they have practiced the match numerous times to avoid any accidents or problems (check source below)

    moreover, I don't think Floyd is disrespecting Boxing.. Even Muhammad Ali tried wrestling before and nobody is saying that Ali disrespected the sport.

    in the end, it will only gain Floyd more exposure to a wider audience and hopefully gain new boxing fans along the way. Boxing (in order to flourish again) needs to start diversifying its' audience because it needs more fans in this sport. Going to a WWE audience might help that cause.

  3. Oh please GIVE ME A BREAK you talk as if you are going to pay his medical bills if he gets pugilistic dementia, I bet you would gladly partake in a fake fight for $20 000 00! He does not owe me or you anything, he worked hard for everything he got and earned his respect he does not have to continue going  into the ring everytime and endure punishment after punishment just so you can sit there with your buddies and talk about "your great sport" I love boxing but i also love the fighters that make the sport interesting and that's exactly what mayweather is doing, he is investing in his future and no one has the right to judge him for that.

  4. I dont think mayweather crossed the line in anyway , plenty of other fighters have done this in the past , some for publicity and others cause they had to for the cash (joe louis). He wont get hurt well very small chance he would get hurt the whole thing is staged everything ... the elbow injury- fake , big shows broken nose -fake. Even the 20 mil payday is completly fake that was just for publicity and to go with his nickname money may. He wont even get half of that more like 4 mil at the most. Either way its free money all he has to do is show up.

  5. I think he has gone over the line. However the only reason he is doing it is for the money and the publicity. He has even gone and got 50 Cent to come with him to the ring. He is being paid something like $25,000,000.

  6. You summed it up when you said " GREED " ----- " Money " Mayweather knows he can climb into a wrestling ring tomorrow ( without having to undergo the time + expense of months of ardous training ) and get mega-bucks by wrestling Paul Wright A/K/A Big Show. Actually it is ironic that Big Show quit wrestling recently to train to become a boxer & lost 50 pounds + quit smoking ----- Although it would never happen.....I would like to see them put on gloves & go a round or two----Many years ago heavyweights would sometimes spar with welterweights or even smaller sparring partners -----

  7. ALI did it t where is the criticism for him? 20mil for a fake fight id let big show chokeslam me for 20mil.

  8. im a fan of floyd mayweather and i don't actually think he is disrespecting the sport of boxing by doing a wrestling show with big show and he is getting paid very good (he wouldn't mind giving a shot and take the risk with the money they offered him), he is taking a break from boxing, he put it once that he is bored of boxing and maybe he is right cuz he beat many great fighters and champions and proved that he is the best boxer today.. the sport of boxing or even wreslting have become a business to him more than a sport, money comes first

  9. I am the biggest Floyd fan you will find, I have no problem with him stepping out of the box and becoming more of a household name...Mayweather is now known worldwide thanks to his boxing, dancing with the stars and wrestling.

    He is building an empire in terms of what boxers can achieve outside the ring, his talent in the ring is undeniable and now he is making great moves outside of it.

    Nobody in boxing is on Floyd's level, he is keeping himself in shape and active, better than just the same old thing everyday.

  10. It's not the risk to Mayweather that annoys me it's the fact that he is willing to take part in this farce at all.

  11. 20 Million bucks for a fake fight?  That's not over the line, that's genius. Floyd was faking his arm injury, btw.

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