
Boxing Question (ANSWER!!!!)?

by Guest56960  |  earlier

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I'm 14, 5'11 and 12 stone, what weight will I be fighting at and when I'm older what weight will I be fighting at





    Currently know your a light heavy & considering you well above average size of your age catagory i'd say you might of stopped growing so you will probably remain light heavy or may go up to cruiserweight

    good luck & god bless

  2. that depends on how much you weigh at the time when you fight

  3. If you are still 12 stone(168 pounds) when older you will most likely be a Light Heavyweight(168-175lbs).  I'm not sure if that was your question or not.

  4. Probably light heavyweight (175 lbs) or even cruiserweight (190) depending upon just how much you fill out and muscle mass.

  5. What weight will you be when you are older?

  6. if you are 168lbs at weigh-in you would be a super-middleweight...or 160lbs would put you at middleweight.  I'm guessing you probably aren't in absolute fighting shape right now so you could probably make 160 if conditioned well.  


    ANYONE who try's telling you that your are going to be a certain weight class when you get older is guessing and has honestly no idea what they are talking about.  You are 14 years old and there is no way of telling what you will weigh 5 years down the road or whatever length of time.  The ONLY way you could do this is if you were on a ridiculously strict diet where you knew exactly how much you were taking in and burning off and had specific weight targets you are going for (such as gaining 5lbs of muscle in 6 months).  For examples...when I was 14 I weighed about 140lbs and I was scrawny as h** the time I was 19 and out of school I weighted 190-200lbs.  Its all based on your diet, your excercise, your metabolism, and genetics...but beyond controlling every aspect of your growth you have absolutely no way of knowing how much you will weigh when you get older.  Who knows??  You could have a growth spert and end up 6'4 just can't 14 you aren't done growing yet.

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