
Boxing Question - Will 16 oz. training gloves work on heavy bag work outs?

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I just ordered 'Grant Campeón Hook & loop Training Gloves 16 oz.'

I choose these over the Campeón Super Bag Gloves.

I wanted something a little heavier than 12 oz. will these work on the heavy bag or will they wear out fast???




  1. IMO, any size has it's place in heavy bag usage. The 12 oz. hook and loop bag glove is manufactured with different foam than a fight glove. The reason, the constant hitting of the bag and the overall hand protection. I've used 20 oz. training gloves for heavybag usage and worked exclusively on body work (left hook to the liver area) etc. The heavier weight (16 oz.) in your case will do no harm at all. Builds pwer, endurance and works the arms etc. that much more. Good luck. Work the bag, rather than trying to just hit it as hard as you can.

  2. They work fine.  If you are a boxer only i would reccommend training with and with out them.  But Always tape.

  3. Yes I have used them for 25 years

  4. 16 ounce are mostly for spaing, I don't think they will be bad, just make sure you remember your basics, keep your hands up, throw your punches from your shoulders, 16 ounces can throw you off a bit.

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