
Boxing? Where Can I Learn?

by Guest44888  |  earlier

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If i wanted to learn how to Box correctly where could I learn to do this? I do know that I can sign up for classes at the local YMCA, but what if I'm really short on money? How could I efficiently learn how to Box and fight cheap but effectively?




  1. go to a boxing gym and talk to the trainer about your financial situation. ask if you can do something for the gym to earn your training. maybe the trainer will let you clean, mow grass, paint, r do some other type of work to earn your training. most good boxing gyms won't be a lot of money to train at.

  2. Leisure centre, gym.


  4. Study fight footage of some of the great boxers, Tyson, Ali, Nigel Benn, and older footage such as Jack Dempsey, Rocky Marciano etc...all the good boxers studied these or others and started by mimicking their moves...this is a cheap way...though to get some proper advice you need to obviously find a good boxing gym or communtiy centre which teaches the art and fitness conditioning involved..most are under £5 a session..the ABA website may also be a guideline

  5. got a friend with a ps2/xbox with the game "fight night"?  learn the games dynamics, the stuff mentioned are true in real boxing.  They actually give a lot of details

  6. find a gym nearby, PAL (police athletic league) are generally some of the best, but it depends on your area. Go to a legit gym not a ymca, you will learn more and have more fun, its a great sport so i hope you enjoy

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