
Boxing exercise?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just starting. But i need a workout.

I have only weights to lift.

If you can think of a workout or know a dvd i could get to use to exercise for boxing let me know.




  1. Is evreybody talking about boxing. Evrey question so far today is  a boxing question

  2. for fighting or getting tone? Shadow boxing, a punching bag, speed bag, pushups pullups that kind of stuff.

  3. Infinite Intensity by Ross Enamait is one of the best books on conditioning and strength training for combat athletes.

    There are some exercises that he mentions that require something more than weights, but for the most part, you can avoid those and supplement with other exercises.

  4. You can try the Billy Blanks Boot Camp.... I have all three and they rock they work your whole body and muscles!!!!

  5. there are lots of workouts that you should do and most actually don't even require weights. run, pull-ups, push-ups, squat thrusts, sit-ups, weightless squats, bench-press, kettle-bell swings, cleans, thrusters, etc.

    also to practice boxing itself hit a heavy bag and do the folowing for 3 min rounds then rest one minute...

    1.left jab

    2.right jab

    3.left cross

    4.right cross

    5.left jab, right cross

    6.right jab, left cross

    7.left jab, right cross, left jab

    8.right jab, left cross, right jab

    9.left hook

    10. right hook

    11.left jab, right cross, left hook

    12. right jab, left cross, right hook

    13.left uper-cut

    14.right uper-cut

    15.left jab, right cross, left uper-cut

    16.right jab, left cross, right uper-cut

    and all the more combinations you can think of

  6. exacly what thewayto... said

  7. Check this out.

    has videos and dvd lower price.

  8. to the guy above me the reason every body is talking about boxing is because this is a boxing forum you idiot
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