
Boxing girlfriend?

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I've been boxing for a year now. My girlfriend has be for 10. I was practicing one day and she challenges me and won. Is this regular? I mean she has been boxing alot longer?




  1. Unless she has a tremendous size advantage, or you wore extremely large gloves, or you were not trying there is something wrong with this picture.

    For physiological reasons it is very difficult for women to compete with men.  Among other things, they lack testosterone, and similar chemicals that are produced in large quantities by male athletes.  

    If you have trained hard for a year, there should not be a girl on this planet that you would not put a severe hurting on.

    Martial Arts might be a different story, but in boxing, guys would completely mess a girl up.

  2. Unless your sexist then its totally fine. There is no reason why a girl cant be a guy at physical sports. Especially when she is a lot more experienced.

  3. she has me...not 2 brag. just because your a male and your are"suppose" 2 be alot stonger doesn't mean your weak. boxing, karate,TKO are all classes 2 help ladies throw hands as well or maybe even better than guys.

  4. 2 things why you lose to her. First, she may be a Kung Fu boxer lol!! or second, you give her much advantage. It's true that women can be better or best in martial arts if she's experienced but when it comes to boxing men are a lot stronger than women. But anyway, she's great! It only shows that she can kick your *** if you do something bad to her!

  5. We no who wares the troosers in ur hoose then heh,its brilliant

  6. that's awsome your girl can fight, although sucks for you since you can't. I wish I had a girl who was into boxing

  7. Never date a girl that can kick your butt.

  8. I have to agree with James B. I was wondering about the exact same things that he mentioned in his first sentence, about the size or you not being serious enough.

    I have well over a decade in experience and I can't see a woman, even with experience, taking a solid punch from me if I'm giving it 100%. Now, because I really wouldn't harm a woman, it would be difficult for me to give it my all and take it serious, therefore I could see her getting away with a win. It makes me wonder if you did the same.

    Now, if she is much, much bigger than you, I could possibly see the outcome of her beating you.

  9. Depends. First, what do you mean by she "won"? Was there a ref or judges or did she knock you out or did you both just agree that she had bettered you? If it is the latter, then what made you come to that decision? Did she land more punches? Did she do more damage? Did she appear more aggressive and confident?

    I'm guessing that since this is your girlfriend you weren't trying to end the fight through damage but with skill. If this was a bout of skill (as I imagine it would be between you two), then yes, she could beat you. If however you two were to meet under different circumstances (ie. not your gf) and were trying to end the fight in whatever way, then unless there she possessed a significant size advantage, you would have the upper hand.

    I've been boxing for approximately 7 years. I actually started with kickboxing. It was a friend from our church who had owned a fighting gym in the past but had gotten out of it. I remember his sister-in-law who was my age was training with us and had some experience. When we point sparred, she kicked my butt...experience does matter with skill and points and form, but if it were a full contact bout, no matter how many times she could hit me, I would probably only have needed to hit her once.
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