
Boxing scedule?

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering if anyone could tell me a boxing schedule. things such as push-ups pull ups crunches bag work etc. if no one does know is there a good site for it?




  1. check out this website, it gives you different workouts, i think it would be better to make a schedule for yourself, so you can work on the stuff that you are having trouble with.

  2. for a workout you should being doing things such as push-ups, squats (no weights), pull-ups, sit-ups, squat-thrusts, running, swimming, kettle-bell swings, thrusters, cleans, jump-rope.  you should pick a group of things and do rounds of them. for example you could run .25 of a mile on a tread mill (also known as a 400 and takes less than 3 min), then do 10, kettle-bell swings, 20 jumping pull-ups, 30 sit-ups, and 40 squats. do that for 5 rounds. go to for more ideas.

    as for boxing itself you should practice punching in 3 minute rounds with 1 minute breaks

    1.left jab

    2.right jab

    3.left cross

    4.right cross

    5.left jab, right cross

    6.right jab, left cross

    7.left jab, right cross, left jab

    8.right jab, left cross, right jab

    9.left hook

    10.righ hook

    11.left jab, right hook

    12.right jab, left hook

    13.left jab, right cross, left hook

    14.right jab, left cross, right hook

    15.left jab, right cross, left hook, right cross

    16.right jab, left cross, right hook, left cross

    17.left upper-cut

    18.right upper-cut

    19. left upper-cut, right upper-cut

    20.right upper-cut, left upper-cut

    20. left jab, right cross, left upper-cut, right, uppercut

    21.right jab, left cross, right upper-cut, left upper-cut

    22. left hook, right upper-cut, left hook

    and etc continue finding more and more combinations
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