
Boxing training question?

by  |  earlier

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I train 6days a week boxing, for about 1.5-2hrs a day, and 1 day a weeek weights and cardio a 3-4km run, so i train 7days a week ,

Is this a goood amount if i want to be a pro 1 day, take into mind im still 16yrs old




  1. You need to lift more, and while you need to do cardio, you more importantly need to do all kinds of agilities on agility ladders to develop lean muscle tissue for quickness.

  2. dang you aree problyy fit !! lol where do u train at  ?

  3. well whats your weigh if you weigh less than 130 do lots of push ups

    if you over lift weight but NOT heavy just repetitions

    the work out your doing is great i do about the same

    one thing always push your self.

    its not how much u work out is how hard you work at it.

  4. Run more legs are often everything don't lift weights as much as another reader says that can make you slow work on your core, do squats, lunges,  shoulder work, forearm and wrists work if you are going to use weights. Sprints on the beach are good balancing  being able to throw punches off balance  with speed and power is a valuable asset.

  5. if your 16 you should really try and find a boxing club in your area. its not just being fit and strong, it technique. also I find it a lot easier to do lots more when im being pushed by someone else.

    If you wanna be pro you should be getting some ameteur fights asap so try and find a boxing club so they can hook you up

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