
Boxing vs High School Wrestling?

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I asked this question before and I didn't get enough answers. Which one should I pick? Because I want one that would work in a street fight. Against, both, single and multiple attackers.




  1. Boxing!!! You'll learn speed, agility, reflexes, balance and the most important.....learning how to take a punch and learning how to throw a powerful, deadly punch! I'm not taking anything away from Wrestling but Boxing is so much tougher and physically challenging then Wrestling! Sure you have to be in great shape for both but try getting tattooed in the face and body with sledge hammer punches for 6 rounds, at 3 minutes a piece, your eyes are swollen, your mouth is bloody, having a cut that's gushing blood and feeling like you're going to die! That's a whole lot different then rolling around a mat, getting a slight forearm dragging across your face or getting your legs hooked up. But you make your own choice and best of luck to you.

  2. I'd go with boxing.  I'd much rather put some gloves on hit someone, than lay on top of them trying to pin them.  I also don't like the idea of wearing a leotard and having to roll around a sweaty mat with high school boys.  Plus, from what I've heard about wrestling, there are some pretty disgusting moves, hands grab sensitive body parts, and fingers get placed into some pretty uncomfortable areas.  Places which should be "exit only."  You also don't have to worry as much about contracting Ring Worm.

    In a street fight, I think you'd benfit more from boxing training than wrestling.  If you want to defend against multiple attackers, why not consider martial arts?

  3. Both are sports and have nothing to do with street fighting. Take martial arts if that's your goal.  

  4. I have been boxing for 4 years, I'm 18 now.

    In my time spent learning boxing and closely observing other combat sports, (I also attained a green belt in Tae Kwon Do) I have come to the conclusion that all forms of combat are effective in their own right.

    Boxing helps your balance, speed, strength, endurance and your body control over your muscles (If trained correctly). In my opinion, Boxing works well in a 1v1 duel, but would probably work the best against multiple fighters. (Most people on the street cannot match your hand skills unless they are significantly heavier/stronger than you).

    Wrestling helps your balance and strength, as well as control over your mind. 1v1 combat would be pretty fun, but against someone heavier/stronger, you'll be tasting your own ankle locks. Against multiple fighters, you'll be knocked out trying to tap someone out. It will be like interferences in the WWF.

    I don't have much knowledge about other martial arts. Tae Kwon Do was a waste of time. Didn't get much out of it, besides a decent axe kick. I wouldn't recommend it. Kung Fu looks more effective, as does Akido. People say these are effective against multiple people, I don't know how true that is, but I wouldn't doubt it, as striking is more effective than grappling with multiple targets.

    All in all, I recommend Jujitsu.

    Jujitsu is one of those breakthrough MMA fighting styles. EXTREMELY effective in 1v1 duels, EVEN against people stronger and bigger than you. It works by attacking certain pressure points in your body. By pressure points, I mean weak areas. Jujitsu would be similar to wrestling against a few clowns.

    Which is why I also recommend Boxing along with Jujitsu. I know a couple of pro MMA fighters that all compliment their Jujitsu with Boxing. They say its a tasty combination, just like peanut butter and chocolate.

    Good luck!

  5. boxing stupid ***

  6.    Danny boy has no idea what he is talking about. Wrestling is tough! I wrestled in h.s. and its honestly no joke! I also boxed and played football but all my friends who boxed and played football wanted no part of wrestling because its so d**n tough!

    Against one attacker wrestling is great but against multiple thats another story. If you have never done a sport boxing is probably a better intro because its not as taxing on the body.  

  7. do wrestling, its easier and it requires less skills and technique, and its less painful and its more for little girls like you

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