
Boxing vs. Ufc A lot of controversy over this topic Lets Dicuss (Click on me and find out)?

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Boxing vs ufc which do you think will still be here in 5 years?

Will the Ufc end up like Kickboxing and just die out?

which do you find more entertaining?

Do you think that the Ufc fighters wanting more money will kill the sport?

This video is from Friday Night Fights it has Brian kenny interviewing boxing promoter Lou Dibella and Ufc's joe rogan

On this discussion. Its a "MUST WATCH"!!!!!!

Both guys bring up GOOD points also very funny..

Opinions, Comments, Anwsers. All welcome!




  1. Blogbabble

  2. Joe Rogan sounded like an idiot.  Brian Kenny said the smartest thing at the end: "a quick submission is not as aesthetically pleasing as two guys going at it and punching."  Rogan tried to say that UFC is closer to real fighting- WRONG!  Boxing is way closer to real fighting because in the sweet science, boxers actually fight.  Boxers don't go to the ground and grope each other to the point where somebody quits.  I'm sorry, but thats not fighting thats just a crappy, boring way to win a "fight."  If you got into a fight in the street, I guarantee you that it would be closer to boxing than UFC because in a street fight, you bang out- you don't roll around the ground and mount each other.  Everyone always says that a boxer couldn't make it in UFC, well guess what?  An MMA fighter couldn't make it in boxing either!  Skill-wise, boxers are lightyears ahead of them anyway.  Boxing is also more violent.  Ask any qualified expert and they'll tell you that you have a far greater chance of being permanently or seriously injured in boxing than you do in MMA.  The reason- you are taking so much more hits to the head, especially when it is over the course of a long, grueling fight.  This leads to subdural hematomas (bleeding on the brain) or dementia pugilistica (a form of Parkinson's).  I don't know if UFC will die out, but it is already starting to become a joke with all of their best "fighters" losing to nobodies and all of the ground holding that they do.  Boxing has been around forever and it will continue to be around and it will ALWAYS be more entertaining, more violent, and more popular than UFC.  Rogan tried to say that all of boxing's stars are getting old- so Kelly Pavlik, Manny Pacquiao, David Haye, Miguel Cotto, and Floyd Mayweather are old?  If anything, the opposite is true, all of the MMA fighters are old because all of them are white guys that couldn't make it in boxing, so they got a whole bunch of tatoos and started to act like they're badass and vuala- you have a "sport" that appeals to certain people.  True FIGHTING fans know that boxing is closer to real fighting and that it will always be better and will always attract the most money.  A top level UFC fighter couldn't even dream of making as much money as a top level boxer- they go to UFC because they CAN'T fight, NOT because it is closer to real fighting.  They don't want to stand up and fight like real men, they'd rather bore us to tears by mounting each other untill somebody quits.

  3. That was an interesting video , towards the end Joe Rogan sounded and looked pretty stupid. When he said its more appeasing to see a rare naked choke than to see someone get knocked out in boxing fight. Both sports will defintly still be around in 5 years. UFC has been around for what a good 15 years + and boxing well over 100. Boxing is and i think always will be the more respectable sport. It always has and I feel always will generate more money than MMA. I like MMA but I love boxing , to me boxing is just much much more entertaining and I think its the more difficult sport. They both did make good points on the video and yeah it was pretty funny. Joe Rogan is wrong though there will still be more superstars in boxing once the current ones are gone. Far more people still show more interest in boxing than ufc , i mean just look at the arenas and more importantly what types of people show up to the fights. When theres is a big boxing fight on you can look into the crowd and count all the celebrities there you cant do that in ufc. I dont think the sports should be compared though but it seems its these UfC/mma guys who are always wanting to compare and claiming to be better, so well if thats what they wanna do or say so be it. Boxing is better hands down, but dont take my word for it look at the stats , who makes more money? Who has a larger fan base? Also check out the difference in commentators alone lol. Boxing is clearly as well the more professional of the two sports.

  4. Both will still be here 5 years from now. Boxing been around alot longer so of course it will be around. UFC is more realistic, because that's how people really fight in the real world so it will always appeal to the average guys out there. It is like compare apples and oranges.

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