
Boy's a long way away. help??

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so i met this guy. he's a friend of a friend and he came up to visit for a week in the summer. i only saw him once. but we exchanged phone numbers and AIM sn and we started talking when he got home (he lives in florida. i live in pennsylvania). pretty soon it got so bad that i hardly ever put down my phone cuz we texted so much (pathetic, yes?). and stupid old me fell really hard for a guy that's three years older and some 1,200 miles away. i really don't wanna like him. but i don't know how to get over him. because he says he likes me too and that only makes it worse. what's your experiences with long distance relationships? any ideas ... thanks ♥




  1. i'm in a long distance relationship, im in washington state and he's in north carolina, thats about 3000 miles away, and we've been going out for a long time, and we both love eachother more than anything, give the relationship a try, they work

  2. mm i had a long distance relationship but not as far as florida to pennsylvania. we just went to different schools. it didnt really work out for us but thats only cus i don't like long distance relationships. but i think you should stick to liking him cus obviosuly he likes u back. things would probly work out. and he can always come visit you or you go visit him or something.

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