
Boy's would you go out with me??

by  |  earlier

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I am 5.6ft, fair skin colour red and black emo style hair

medium weight hazel eyes round faced and nice curves?




  1. yea defeneately i would...i like emo like grls

  2. hahahaha!

    you really need to get out more!

  3. NO

    Because I am 61 and people dont like that kinda thing round your way.

  4. My answer probably would be no, because I do not like my ladies to be 5.6, fair skin, red and black hair, medium weight, hazel eyes, round faced and nice curves, However if you was, 5.7, fair skin, pink and black hair, overweight, Brown eyes, oval faced and of an hourglass proportion i may be tempted

  5. emo plus red n blk hair = ginormous turnoffff, so no

  6. you sound like jail bait!

  7. ()_()

    (*-*)  (Maybe)

    -(  )-


  8. Maybe, if I were an emo too.

    But i'm not xD

  9. im not a boy but if you want a boy just go uo and ask him out and just be your self

  10. no because your a emo and might have piercings all over the place.  

  11. no cuz ur emo sorry

  12. :L honestly?


    all these guys are like "no we dont like emo girls" but its nothin to do with that. your ****** sad cos you gotta ask random people what they think of you. also if you were confident at all you'd have sent us a picture of your "nice curves" but instead you can just tell us all about it. why did you ask whether or not you mentioned if you were 14? clearly you didnt mention that in your 2 lines of vivid description.

    You sound like a ****** creep.

    And the emo hair bit, anyone who says "oh im emo" is clearly just a ****** creep. and a weirdo.

    so no, i wouldnt.

  13. Well I quite like your physical description [especially your hair and eyes and most of it infact :P] but I dont go by looks at all (a lot of people say that, I mean that) looks change with years, a good personality will keep you happy for life. If you are a genuinly kind and nice person, similar interests etc and we click then sure I'd go out with you (but im 17 so I dont know if there woudl be an age difference problem)

    Im sorry nearly all the people posting seem to be so stupid about this, they are the type of people you want to avoid anyway. But my big advice to you is stop worrying about how you look and just be friendly and happy and forward with guys and let your personality show and im sure you will find someone suited to you soon.

    EDIT: Thank you to Tokiopop for your lovely and helpful answer, and for showing that there are genuine people on Yahoo Answers as well as people who steriotype and are generally stupid.

    2nd EDIT: 'They're ALOT nicer than anyone "popular" and they do love people. '

    I quite agree, most of my friends do not fall in the "Popular" catagory and im glad of it, they are true friends, not ones that will desert you when times get hard.

  14. What the h**l is   an emo?????

  15. im a girl.

    but all my friends are guys.

    and no they wouldnt go out with you.


    most guys dont like emo styled hair.

    they like preppy hair like mine

  16. no one is going to go out with you if you're an emo/look like one

    fact of life, sorry to disappoint

  17. I choose personality over looks. I'd want to know what people are like, rather than what they look like. Looks aren't everything, personality is what makes people truly happy.

    I really wouldn't want to offend you, but... No. I like to have known a person, and know what they're like inside, because that's what really matters.

    BTW, this isn't anything personal, I'm just giving an honest answer.

    Edit: Don't listen to people saying stuff like "no cos ur emo". They're freaking stereotypes. My girlfriend has died red hair (not ginger, intense red) and can dress a bit "emo". But I don't care, and neither will anyone else who REALLY likes you for WHO you are, not WHAT you are. These people saying all this bull about "no love emo" well you'd probably stereotype some of my friends, and girlfriend, as emo... and you know what? They're ALOT nicer than anyone "popular"     and they do love people.

    Sorry for getting angry, these people don't know what they're talking about ^-^

    "Guys don't like emo girls. It's too much for us to handle. We like happy preppy girls who aren't afraid to tell us what they want. "

    WRONG. I'm more happy than I've ever been in my life with my girlfriend (who you'd stereotype as emo). They wouldn't need to self harm if they're happy, and they're nice people inside, they're just treated like dirt for having the balls to be different, and if I may say so, HUMAN.

  18. emo :|

    no love

  19. It depends. If you're a confident girl, and just like the emo look (scene), then I would date you. I just really can't handle the possibility of you cutting yourself. I know it's superficial, and stereotypical, but still. I would like you more without the emo hair, and if you presented yourself confidently. I don't know you in person. I can only judge by looks.

    And besides. I'm too old for you.

    Look. One bit of advice.

    Guys don't like emo girls. It's too much for us to handle. We like happy preppy girls who aren't afraid to tell us what they want.

    Aren't I right, men?

  20. you  sound like someone i know, i wouldnt go anywhere near her, although there is nothing wrong with you.

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