
Boy Advice. please help..?

by  |  earlier

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well i liek this kid and he says im cute but never really talks to me

we just met he asked his dad if we were related at all and his dad said no and he got all happy. [ we really aretn related ] anyways. i just need help to know if he likes me or not.

please help ask questions i really wanna know :]




  1. i think he does but then again maybe he doesnt...u should talk to him more nd ur relationship can be developed if u want to^^

  2. I think he likes you but better be patient and let him do the work of letting his feelings obvious to you. Because I think as of the moment he might not be certain yet, if he totally likes you although he is quite hinting some signs of it. And you also do not want to scare him away, just always be in the radar or peripheral of his vision but don't be too close, let him do the work...

  3. he thinks your cute so he might be interested...;but the only way you know for sure is to ask him.

  4. Well I think it'd be quite hard to see whats on his mind, although there are a few hints and clues. One of the most obvious ones is if he's nervous when he's near you or you smile at him or talk to him. Good Luck though!!! :D

  5. Like you said he is a kid and may not know what he is doing. Maybe he is attracted to you physically or want to have some fun. I would say take it easy, enjoy the time and moments and think what you want out of this relationship.

    During that time you would also know what he wants. As he would see a bigger world chances are he would go astry .. so just take it easy and just let it go the way it is going..

  6. when a guy likes you, there will be no doubt in your mind.

  7. Yes he likes you. He wants to date you.

    Its really obvious, can't you see it?

    Suggest hanging out sometime...

    See what happens.

    Hope this helps =]=]

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