
Boy/Girl names Please answer?

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Do you like the name Bradly David? (Yes without the E I think it looks cute!)

do you like the name Courtney Joy?

My middle name is Joy!

Do you like my name it is Summer Joy?

whats your name and do you like it?




  1. Bradly David is cute and looks way cuter without the e. I don't really like the name Courtney but I love the middle name Joy. I like your name it has so much color and you can tell how your parents felt about you. My name is Erika Mae. I love my middle name because it was my grandmother's name. I think a name should have meaning and what ever you chose you will love it. Good luck.

  2. I like the boys name but not the girls name. your name is fine.  

  3. I don't like any of the names up there.

    But my name is Karis Victoria and i like itt.

  4. i like Bradly David and Courtney Joy Summer joy sounds hippie

  5. Bradly David....Cool name...I like it

    Courtney Joy...Is ok

    I like Summer Joy.

    My name is Amanda....too popular

    WE name our children Zachariah, Payton, Chance, and Mandalynn  

  6. Yeah your name is cool!

    and i like the name Bradly david its neat and same with courtney joy !

    My names alyssa madison and i hate it aha

  7. it would take some getting used to w/out the E but they flow nicely. I prefer courtney joy over summer joy because the 2nd one is a little hippy. my name is taylor leigh (pronounced lee) and i love it so much.  

  8. Nice names.

    My name is Valentina Natalya . I'm not really fond of it.

  9. No, I like David, but not Bradly very much.

    I don't really like Courtney Joy either, sorry:(  

    But it's YOUR baby:)  Bye and good luck  xxxxx

  10. no at all my name is Clementine and is the best in the world

  11. Yeaah i really like Bradly David! :)

    And i liiike yours too!!

    My Name Is Cait.....And yeah i like it,,

    But i love my friends name Shannon!



  12. i like bradly david. it's cute

    courtney joy is VERY cute!!! [my name's courtney!!]

    i don't like summer joy. i like summer, but not with joy.

  13. I love Bradly David..cute boy name.

    I prefer Courtney Joy over Summer Joy. I'm just not into naming kids after seasons, or anything of that sort.

    My name is Rebecca Paige...I hated it when I was younger, but it's kinda grown on me.

  14. Bradly David-- I'm not a big fan of the name Bradly. All Bradlys I know end up going by Brad. I like David as a middle name.

    Courtney Joy-- Courtney is a very popular name. Joy is pretty.

    Summer Joy-- I'm sorry, but I don't like it. It makes me think of Autumn Delight and Winter Pleasure, which sound like candle scents. But if you like your name, then that's all that matters!

    My name-- My name is Greta, and I love it.

  15. Bradly David- It's a nice name. The first name goes well with the middle name and that makes it seem nice. And the lack of an "e" in Bradly gives the ordinary name a little something different.

    Courtney Joy- Sounds good too. I'm not a big fan of the name Courtney, but then again, it seems like not too many people are naming their kids common 90's names like Courtney and a "normal" name is actually a relief sometimes.

    Summer Joy- I like it. It's happy and bubbly.

    My name's Anna. It's not pronounced like Anna Nicole Smith. It's pronounced ON-uh (I'm slavic) and that gives it something different. :)  

  16. i honestly dont like any of them


  17. Bradly David is a good one

    Courtney Joy

  18. I like the name Bradley - but don't like Brad, which is what he will get called.

    I don't like Courtney as I find it too popular now

    Your name is really nice - love the name Summer  

  19. Bradly David is such a cute name =)

    i like summer joy better than courtney joy

    my name is Eva Michele and I LOVE MY NAME ! my great grandma's name was Eva and my mom's name is Michele so it has a special meaning to me.

  20. Do you like the name Bradly David? (Yes without the E I think it looks cute!)- I like Bradley, but they all end up as Brad, and that's ok with me, because it sounds very masculine.

    do you like the name Courtney Joy? Doesn't sound original, too plain.

    My middle name is Joy!

    Do you like my name it is Summer Joy? Thats sounds nioce and springy!

    whats your name and do you like it? Karissa Mae.

    I absolutely love it. My cousin who was 14 at the time named me.

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