
Boy/Girl room sharing???

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I have a 4 yr old son who will soon be sharing a room with his baby brother/sister (not sure which yet)...the problem is its easy for two boys to share but how do i divide the room if its a girl.....want them both to be happy. The bedroom is quite small and only has one wndow at one end of the room...

Any ideas/suggestions/links greatly appreciated!




  1. It is probably more an issue for the 4 year old than the new baby...who really won't have much of an opinion until they are a few years old.

    I would either keep it white and decorate with accessories for each child or colors like blue or green (that can still be made feminie. - don't go too pastel or with a very baby print for the new one  or your 4 year old will think it is too babyish - and now that he is a big brother he will want to be treated like a big boy!

    You could do a cool theme like ocean or Finding Nemo that would be colorful and fun and probably liked by both children for several years.  

    A them with primary colors - The room would be painted white then each child would have one or two colors that would be used for their bedding, decorations and such.   Another cute thing for the primary I have scene is that a room was painted white - and each member of the family is given a color say Mom is red, Dad blue, son green - baby yellow. Using your assigned color you can finger paint or put hand prints all over the wall.  Then pick another color like Orange and let guests put a handprint on the wall when they come to visit.

    You could also do a red white and blue theme your son gets all blue stuff, and the new baby red things and then you can decorate with flags, stars etc..........

  2. We are living in a 3 bedroom house at moment (Building a 4 room one) and my kids have that many toys I decided to make one a bedroom, the other a play room. What I did was place my daughters bed against one wall, and my sons against the other, so the head of their beds meet (It is a fair size room though) and on the wall my daughter is up against has all her princess things, my son has all his car stickers and posters. In the other areas, they have pooh bear. Hope this helps

  3. Well you really don't have too much to worry about until puberty starts settling in. That won't happen for another 8+ years though!

    My brother & I shared a room several times throughout our lives. The oldest was up to ages 10/11 & 13/14. I'd have to say that a brother & sister sharing a room isn't the worst thing, we both liked it. Not so much when we were nearing the ages where we needed gender privacy - but in that case we just made do and one of us would change in the bathroom, or try and accomodate the other's needs for space & privacy by leaving the room & going to another area of the house.

    You just make sure that one half of the room is distinctively 'girl' & one have is distinctively 'boy'. In doing this you make sure everyone feels like they have their own space.

    If all kids do is grow up sharing a room, they'll never know any different, and so won't really care. As teens they'll complain, but they'll also understand the financial circumstances which are keeping 2 siblings in one room, and hopefully will cut you a break.

  4. I think they can share a room until one of them hits puberty then it would be really mean to make them share a room, but if you have another boy then you have no problems, the older one will probably be mad once he matures a little but he will get over it. you could always split the room, or if you have the money you could add on to the house.

    Congratulations on the baby!

  5. Unless you plan on painting half the room pink if it's a girl, I doubt there'll be a problem for quite some time yet.  Any problems that might come up in the first few years would come up if there were two boys in the room too.  Four year olds aren't exactly prone to sharing with anyone, no matter what the gender.  My big brother and I shared a room until he hit puberty (He is also four years older than me)  We had a great time together and I missed him when I finally had my own room.  (Of course, it didn't take too long before I was grateful for my own space.)

  6. I had three kids in two rooms.  Two girls together and son in his own.  When my daughter was6 and my son was 2 she decided she wanted to share a room with him instead of her older sister.  It worked fine.  One side of the room was Yankees/boy, and the other side was Snoopy/girl.  Now she is 10 and we just separated them, again at my daughters request.  They can be together for quite a few years.

  7. I took a couple of bed sheets, and stapled them to the ceiling to make a "divider wall" this made sure both kids had an amount of privacy, without major work. When we moved, I kept the "divider wall" for the younger one, to divide her sleeping area vs. her play area/lounge area. It worked great for us!

  8. I think Dr. Seus is a good idea and it's universal and ageless.

    Check out this link for ideas.

  9. why not have the new baby in your room for a while then put him or her with your little boy.

  10. You don't have to physically divide the room, nor do you have to split it by gender.  Just select a decorating scheme that is acceptable to both. (Animals, primary colors, etc.).  At this young age it doesn't matter if they are different genders.

  11. I would try to decorate in colors like yellow and green, sort of neutral. If there's anything that your son likes that's not too "boyish," use alot of that. For example, animals aren't too girly or to boy-y lol, so you could do a jungle or zoo theme. As long as you don't go overboard with dolls or trucks, you'll be fine! Good luck!

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