
Boy Scout Camps?

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I'm looking to work at a new Boy Scout Camp i have been working in the same one for 2 years now. i wont a new adventure and everything. so dous anyone no of any Boy Scout Camps you have been to and like or heard about.





  1. Select the area in the country you want to be in.

    Call the counsel for that area and ask them.

    Piedmont was my favorite, then Florida High Adventure out in the keys.

  2. Check with the Greater Saint Louis Area Council BSA.  They have 2 scout camps, an venturing camp and a weblos camp.  Most of them run for 7 weeks and have some money for college depending on number of years worked.  They would like for you to be an eagle scout, but they have hired many life scouts.  They hire females to work at the venturing camp.  Check out the website ""

  3. Contact the Boy Scout Council office for your area. They can give you the locations for the camps, and help you relocate to the one that strikes your fancy. Since you already have two years experience at camp, your services should be in demand.
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