
Boy Scouts of America; Troop Guide Rewards?

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One of my leader's Woodbadge Req. is to 'upgrade' the Troop Guide situation. One of her req. is to set up a 'rewards' program for troop guides.

Ex: get 45% new scouts to First Class and get a Pizza party (or $$$ in scout account, a knife, etc)

But for me this seems kinda like 'if i volunteer for troop guide to get time for Eagle, I'm gonna get paid to do it' which seems to defeat the purpose.

I began to think the troop guides could could start a legacy so to speak. If you get X amount a scouts to X rank you get a Temp. pin to put on your collar or Troop guides get a certain hat or sun glasses to distinguish then from the rest or something.

What are your suggestions for a rewards program?

P.S. For those who don't know: A Troop Guide is a Scout that helps out younger scouts get the hang of things until they can function on their own.




  1. Hello 9 & 1/2:

    I find it odd that a ticket item would be to bribe a boy to do a job...Did she write the ticket requirement, or did her adviser?

    Perhaps a more appropriate item would be to organize a TG training event for the district. It could be a class held at Pow Wow or University of Scouting similar to Den Chief school. A patch or pin could be designed for graduates of the class.

    Keep on Scoutin'

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