
Boy brother free loads off of me what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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My brother has not had a job for 8 months now! He keeps telling me he is looking, but nothing ever happens, his son lives with me also. When he was making lots of money he was a jerk, when he would loan money out, and you did not pay him back, he would call and leave notes being a jerk. Now he owes me over $10,000 and plays the pitty card, what should I do?




  1. Give him a deadline. Tell him that if he doesnt get himself together by a certain amount of time, you will have to kick him out. So threatin to kick him out.

  2. You don't have to be a jerk, but you certainly have to be firm. You have to put your foot down and make sure that you don't enable him by taking "care" of him. Tough love. You are doing enough already taking care of him and his son. I would suggest a deadline. I am sure he can get a temp job to take care of his needs while he looks for the field he is good at.

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