
Boy drama 911 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, my friends asked this really cute boy out for me that i used to like for a long time now at school, and he said no never thats disgusting. what a jerk right? and seriously im actually sorta pretty. What can i say to him in a note or something back? I want to say something that will make him realize what he said to me and really get him back. Something that will actually make him think twice about what he said. Think of something good!!!!!!!!! The first person to give me the best answer WILL WIN THE 10 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EASY! 10 POINTS!!! PLEASE HELP ME! :) Thanks in advance.




  1. just tell him 'you'r right I'm way to good for you'!

  2. you know something if somebody says that somebody is discusting think of it he is missing a heck lot of love so find a real person you really love more then him.


  3. be like hey, i can't believe my friends asked you out (but make sure its ok with them first) i don't even like you. I think your a major jerk for saying that though and I can't wait to ruin your love life forever.

    or the nice approach-

    hey, i heard you decided that you didn't like me and i'm fine with it. I think you were kinda rude but I know you are nicer than that and i think it would be great if we could still hang out sometimes anyway. Oh yea, I have a boyfriend now (get a boyfriend first lol, it could just be like a friend whos willing to help) so you don't have to worry aabout that. we are going pretty strong and i think im going to ask him to the next dance or whatever. then you go from there i guess. i dunno this is just what i would say

  4. i would just send him a note and say;

    don't worry; i can do much better anyway.

  5. boy; you must be trippen look at yer face, what hit it? a shovel. and thosee clothes, they so fineee fer my 3 year old brotherr. next time ; admit yer true feeling. im hott, and yer just so....nottt

    ROFL ahahah idk?


  6. (with a sad look)

    "Oh dear, what happened to your face?"

    "you must really be suffering..."

    *walk away*

  7. just be like whatever i dont need you i can do much better than you anyways in my opionion don't waste your time on him you can so do much better plus lifes short you could have it one day but lose it the next so find another person

    no i am not trying to be mean but really hes just a jerk  

  8. win back his heart babycakes

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