I don't have kids, My boy friend has one son who lives with his mother- we get him every other weekend, This question is about the 19 yr. old step daughter. He raised her since she was two and the daughter has been living with the mother thus far. Well now the daughter is pregnant because the mother let her boyfriend move in the house with them. Now that she is pregnant mother kicked daughter out... My boyfriend wants to let the daughter come live with us, But I am worried she will just be a mooch- BY no means do I want her not to have a place to stay, but I need advise, Ground rules. I do not have children and he is really freaked out too. Anything helps. ground rules advise. I don't want her living there for ever- I am thinking a few months to get on her feet get a job and move on..Is that too quick..What would you do? Time lines..Thanks for your help