
Boy is making fun of my hair :( what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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A boy at school , in my level is making fun of my new hair, i mean i hate it enough as it is! the hairdresser cut wayyy to much off and made it choppy with v short layers he calls it a mullet and calls me mullet man! it makes me so sad! its not even a mullet and also because i have a bad straightener atm my hair curls a lil (like a mullet) BUT ITS NOTT :'( what am i supposed to do i already hate it but now i have to put up with him and his mates telling me i look like a mullet man ect :(:(:(

Here are some links please help me :




  1. I see nothing wrong. It's "YOUR" hair. He's probably just flirting.

  2. awww :(

    erm just tie it up untill it grows a bit more

  3. Listen Really Dont worry about it!!!  seriously!  i think it looks okaii try sraightening it loads to make it look really straight so it wont look that bad :) or when you've straightened it try tieing it up in a pony tail ..its really not that bad ..that boys a dik .

    Hope I Hepled x x x x x x

  4. wow.

    it's one of the,um.sorry!, weirdest cuts i saw.

    but one girl in my school had the ALMOST SAME haircut as you...

    but no one teases her because she has confidence that watever her hair looks like, she's pretty.

    she dons these wide and very girly and pretty hair bands, and sometimes she recreates long turbans into simple but cool styles.

    that's why the one given attention to is the hairstyle, not the haircut.

    anyway, i suggest when you place hairband, dont pull your hair back as if it looks neat. make it look laid back with "i-just-rolled-out-of-bed-looking-this-c... look. let little strips of hair slip down your face and don some makeup (light and natural only please!)

    then pair it up with a cool earrings and there you go!

    Oh! i forgot! you could also cover it up with bandanas. make it quirky and totally you by sewing on cute pins, brooches, buttons, beads, but do not over do it or else people would think you are really ashamed of your hair!!! and there are even crocheted headbands on some ethnic cool stores!!! take your pic and don't ever think your hair's a mullet! anyway, tell that guy he's such a loser to tease girls and call him g*y. haha. kidding.

    ignore the jerk and make a whole new fad in school!

    goodluck and i hope i helped you!

  5. babe you will look fine!

    it looks nothing like a mullet  or emo! (WHAT A FA-GG-O-T !!) to the guy who said it looks emo (above) hes most likely  some low life peice of scum with no job life family or friends so ^#&$# TO HIM!

    you look great! and so does your room lol ^-^

    tell this guy to look in the mirror or better yet tell on him LMAO he sounds like a great big jerk,yeah wear it up or get a pony tail extension there great too !

    look lucky sweety and hair grows fast :)

  6. i found you because i myself just got the same haircut and i'm sorry it totally sucks and ya its been called a mullet several times now- all i've been able to do is pin back the top with bobby pins... bought a cute white and pink hat and white ear rings and i've worn a head band a little bit as for your cut i saw a great possibility for like an A-line haircut at or below the chinish but go to an expert stylist! pay $35-40! why not look at some highlights and just go for a new look! as soon as we get rid of that extra long hair no one can call it a mullet anymore!! i'm so close to getting that chin cut i've just spent the last 1/2 hr looking at extensions on the internet the good thing is that in 5 years we'll look back and laugh  

  7. smack him.

  8. omg, i <3 the hair, keep ittt.

    but just say, "i can cut my hair, but dude, you cant do much for that face of yours."

  9. In terms of the hair itself, you're either going to have to wait for it to grow out, or have all of the length cut off. Sorry kid, them's the breaks :).

    With regard to the boy, honey you're just going to have to muster up a little bit of grown-up attitude here. Trust me when I say this, 5 years from now you'll feel ridiculous for caring so much what some unimportant pubescent boy thinks about your hair. He's wrong to be so deliberately hurtful toward you, that is absolutely true. However, it's important that you learn to deal with people like him; I can tell you, they'll always be there in some form or another. You can't let yourself get so distressed, because ultimately; you don't live your life for the boys at school (or you shouldn't) you live it for yourself.  

  10. aww man.. I am *SO* sorry for you.

    Thats horrible, I cant believe she cut layers that high.


    It looks kinda vince noir's hair from the mighty boosh.. but he looks hot and it sort of looks like you have no hair and just got some extensions in the back a bit?

    I would make the length a bit shorter.. I mean it'll look a bit better and it'll grow back to that length as the layers grow out.

  11. Awww honey =(

    Everyone at some point in their life gets a bad haircut. It WILL grow out.

    As for tweedletwat (nasty boy lol) IGNORE HIM. Just look at him and his hair, and say "Pot. Kettle. Black." LOL. And 'mullet man'? How original. Not.

    God. I hate mean people.

    Unless you want to wait for a few months for it to grow out, I think there are two options.

    You could get extensions put in to thicken out the bottom bit, making it less mullety. This might damage your hair though, and will probably cost lots of money. Alternatively, you could cut it short, into a pixie crop style, like this:




    I think it's a really pretty and stylish, and not many people have the guts to go for such a style. And i think it would really suit you as you look like you have a very delicately shaped face. But this time be REALLY careful, and pay a bit extra for a more experienced hairdresser. Take in a picture of what you want done. The website has a list of all the info for the hairstyle under the picture, so you should give that info to the hairdresser too.

    Btw, don't worry about your hair curling a little with this hairstyle. It will make it look really pretty and feminine. but warn the hairdresser that this is what it will do so she can cut it right =)

    Good luck!


  12. i guess it looks good and tell that guy you like the look, especially in a guy.

  13. Try straightening your hair really well,

    I used to have the same problem,

    go onto

    and type in 'teasing scene hair' or 'back combing'

    Trust me, backcombing really helped me and my 'mullet' aswell.

    It would look SO good if you could straighten it with a great straightener,

    and dont listen to them,

    they're just scrags :)

  14. Hey Amber,

    It Looks fine. They are just jealous.

    Try tying your hair up or putting a hairband in.



    answer mine?;...

  15. it looks like a scene haircut

    sorry but the short and long layers..

    you got yourself a scene haircut

    it does kinda look like a mullet....

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