
Boy or Girl 20 week sonogram??

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Expecting baby #4 on Feb. 1st. Wondering how many of you knew the s*x of their baby from 20 week sonogram or right around then? Very anxious to find out my husband and children really want to know. How many weren't able to tell? How many were wrong? Thank you. Going for Sonogram when Iam 20 weeks 1day




  1. At 20 weeks you should be able to easily find out the s*x of the baby. I found out at 18 weeks. The u/s tech wouldn't give us a definative answer from the anatomy scan, so I paid $99 to get a 3d u/s the same week, and from that it was crystal clear he was a boy, so if you don't find out for sure I recommend doing the 3d as the picture is so much better you won't have any doubts.  

  2. I found out at 18w4d.

    This is the shot of my boy:

    You should be able to find out if the baby is in the correct position. Both the doctor and nurse were fairly certain about the gender - lol.

  3. We found out we were being blessed with a little boy when I was 19 weeks pregnant :) best of luck!!

  4. i was 18 weeks and we found out it was a boy.  It was very easy to tell, as he coperated!  At 20 weeks, if the baby is in the right position, you will be able to tell.  Congrats mama!

  5. they knew mine at 17 weeks and BOY were they right!! good luck..

  6. I found out at 18 weeks (just last week actually) that we're having a girl.  The U/S tech non-chalantly said "oh I think I see labia...".  Just like the above comment, I hope the U/S tech was right- otherwise we're going to have to re-register for some blue clothing!

  7. They are very accurate at 20 weeks.  I found out I was having a girl (both times) at around 17 weeks.  I doubled checked every time!  The only thing that may inhibit the results is if your baby is in an akward position.  Try drinking some juice or eat some candy about half an hour before your sono.  This will hopefully wake up the baby and they will change positions enough so that they can get a good shot.

    Good Luck and congrats!

  8. We found out my sister was having a boy right around the 18 week sonogram. Unless they are laying in a weird positon you have a very likley chance of finding out! best of wishes!

  9. i found out at about 18 weeks, she said it looked like a girl. and when ihad to go back at 21 weeks she said it still looked like a girl.

    i hope she isnt wrong or this boy is going to be wearing alot of pink!

  10. i did mine at 20 weeks and they were able to tell right away ,the only reason they wouldn't be able to find out is if the baby is sitting in a position where the part is covered.

  11. I found out i was having a boy at 18 weeks.


  12. I found out I was having a girl at 24 weeks pregnant by the 3D and 4D


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