
Boy trouble! Girls and Guys opinion!?

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So there is this guy that I really think I like a lot.

Last year in eighth grade we started texting a lot, but we had never officially met in person or like talked in person.

So now I'm a freshman and he's a sophmore and the first week of school has gone by and we have texted a little but we haven't talked to each other in person.

Now, I'm not saying that he likes me cause I'm totally doubting he does cause there are these two girls that are now in eighth grade and they're like all over him like hugging him and stuff.

I really want to talk to him and I like him a lot, but I'm just really nervous and I don't want to act like those girls do cause I'm not 'like that' if you know what I mean? Haha. So can anyone help?

And we saw eachother at the football game and the after party thing last night and we just kind of ignored eachother. Or at least that's what i did...




  1. i think he likes bimbos, just try to see if he really likes you for real, stop sending him for a while and see if he checks on you ,

    if he doesnt ,

    find a new guy who loves and likes you for you and everything you are :0)

    good luck babe ;)

  2. Do not shy away. Just tell him. Most girls lose the guys they want because because they are not open about their feelings. You do not need to shame yourself by being all over him like these other girls so calculate the perfect spot and time to do it. You might be surprised that the guy also feels the same and for some reason his afraid to confront you. Gather your strength and do it at the right moment.

  3. you should really try talking to each other

  4. I think you should really make an attempt at talking to him. If you two have talked a lot through text then there isn't much to be shy about, most of the ice breakers are already out there... you don't want to regret not talking to him. It could be the best thing you ever did.

  5. haha, it also happened to me! such a guy has no guts in pursuing you and tendencies are that you'll be the one who'll often make ways for you two to meet. will it be okay with you? if yup, then go! if not, then find a better one ;)

  6. As you are texting, presumably on the mobile phones, you have each others number, so why not make the next move and actually talk, communicate properly, you may never know, something might happen.

    Clearly, you have some sort of rapport, and he may in fact have similar feelings to you, but be unsure how to deal with it.

    Instead of texting talk to him, after all, is that not what phones are for.

    Mike t.

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