
Boy trouble................?

by  |  earlier

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once i started going out with my boyfriend, one of my guy friends totally started ignoring we're broken up and it's not really any different...why does he do that? it's not like i ditched him or nething for my bf he just sorta stopped talkin to me like he was mad at me or something?




  1. Maybe he secretly liked you and he thought you knew, but then you went out with someone else and it hurt him. Confront him, ask hom why you aren't so close and ask if it was because of your boyfriend.

  2. Really?

    that's weird. he might have liked you and felt that you didnt like him.

    Did he ever give signs of liking you? Or that he might have been interested in being more than friends?

    Boys are weird...its just that simple...

    Try to talk to him...or get a friend to talk to him...if he doesnt cooperate I wouldnt worry about it too much.  

  3. boys mature slower than girls and maybe he liked you all the time and was too shy to tell you.

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