
Boycott Botswana for their evil genocide!!!!?

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Botswana’s government is this week promoting the Central Kalahari Game Reserve as a top tourist destination, but it has banned the reserve’s Bushmen from accessing their own water.

At this week’s INDABA tourism fair in Durban, the Botswana Tourism Board is promoting Botswana as a top travel destination, and the government has just awarded a safari concession in the reserve to a South African tourist company, the Safari & Adventure Company, close to the Bushman community of Molapo.

But despite the Botswana High Court ruling that the Bushmen have the constitutional right to live in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, the Botswana government is doing everything it can to keep them out, denying them access to water and the right to hunt for food.

The Safari & Adventure Company will need to sink boreholes to obtain water for its guests and staff to drink, shower, and cook with – but the Botswana government still refuses to allow the Bushmen to use even a single borehole inside the reserve




  1. It makes me feel so helpless. I know and agree that what is happening is outrageous,  but what can we do? We are always simply asked to donate if that is the only answer. We know it never reaches the people. What can people actually do to prevent this. I want to help but I am not swimming in money. What is left for me to tell me?

  2. I we could do anything we would have started with the genocide that has been ongoing in SA first !

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