
Boycott of Israeli right-wing President of the Parliament

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The criticisms of the president of the European parliament Germany's Martin Schulz, at Israel's treatment of Palestinians, specifically the economic blockade of the Gaza Strip and the distribution of water during a speech to the Knesset plenum on Wednesday have caused the frightened block party right-wing Jewish Home (Habait Hayehudi), member of the coalition government led by Benjamin Netanyahu.

The 12 lawmakers, led by the Minister of Economy and Religious Affairs, Naftali Bennett, have left the House shouting " Palestinian Lie" and "this is a disgrace."

" Jewish House demands an apology to the President of the European Parliament, who told two lies in his speech, he told the Palestinians. Shut to this type of propaganda lies gives legitimacy to activities against Israeli citizens," Bennett said in a statement after leaving parliament. " The comments made ​​in the Knesset (parliament) are very serious," he added.

Schulz, who is on an official visit to Israel, said in a speech in German that "Israel has imposed a blockade on Gaza," adding that according to testimony received by, " an Israeli gets 70 cubic liters of water per 17 liters cubic receives a Palestinian. "

Israeli authorities responsible for the management of public waters have labeled these past false data through a spokesman and consider that an Israeli receives 4.12 times as much water an Israeli, according to an estimate cited by The Jerusalem post. The Minister Bennett added that in 2005 more than 8,000 Jewish settlers were evacuated from Gaza " and from there continue to launch thousands of rockets " at Israel.

Jewish Home is a religious nationalist party whose electoral base is mainly in West Bank settlements, international law considers illegal. It was the fourth most votes in elections force a year ago. Their leader, Minister Bennett, opposes the creation of a Palestinian state and the peace negotiations, and has threatened to leave the Executive and foster a government crisis if Netanyahu signed an agreement in this round of negotiations which finishes on 29 April.

The Labor Party has filed a formal complaint with the parliament accusing Jewish Home "disrespect" to the institution. But not all factions have reacted with outrage at this frightened. Culture Minister Limor Livnat of the Likud, Netanyahu 's party, said he supported Jewish lawmakers Schulz House because " told lies" and, " above, in German."

The incident highlights the suspicion of the Israeli right towards the European institutions, which frequently accused of bias towards the Palestinians. Some banks and pension funds in Europe, as the Dutch PGGM, have decided to boycott Israeli banking institutions that have a presence in West Bank settlements.

 Tags: Boycott, Israeli, parliament, President, rightwing


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