
Boyfriend's Ex Wife Sent a Letter Today?

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My boyfriend works during the day and I stay home. I checked the mail today and I see his ex wife (became official this week) sent him a letter. I am absolutely dying to know what it says but I am thinking of acting completely nonchalant when he gets home and sees the letter sitting right on top of the stack of mail. Should I not play games and just ask what she wanted or should I just play it coy and if he mentions it just tell him that it's true that I'm curious and if he'd like to tell me what's in there I am open to hearing about it, but if he wants it to remain private I am okay with that, too. Of course if he chooses option B I will be spending all day tomorrow while he is at working looking for that letter. What do you guys think? I am normally against games.




  1. I think you should respect his privacy and not snoop.

    It would be OK to ask him why she sent him a letter.....but if he doesn't want to tell should back off.

  2. Oh gosh this is a hard one for me.  I am like you and contemplate whether to ask or not but knowing the way I am, I would put on a tea pot and wait for the stream to come out and put the letter up to the steam and slowly peel off the sticky stuff on the envelope. Read it then put it back in and reseal it.   Although that's just me.  

    OR I would wait til he got home and tell him there is a letter on the table from his former wife and after he reads it the ask what she wanted.  If he doesnt want to share, then let it be

    I hope I helped a little

    Good luck

  3. dont play games if you want to know just ask him n if he doesnt want to tell you respect that.

  4. Sounds to me like your creating drama, leave it be and don't worry about it.

  5. No games, just ask him what it said.

    Don;t open it though, let him do that.

    When he is done reading it, just simply ask.

    I hate the games too, straight forward is a much better approach.

    I however, could not live without knowing what it said, that is just me though..

  6. Ask him what it's about. If he doesn't want to tell you, respect that.  

  7. Don't play games, just ask him. If it were the other way around, I'm sure he'd want to know, too. I doubt he will mind, because it will just show that you care about him.

  8. don't play games.  If you want to know, ask him what the letter from his ex was about.

    If you play stupid and get your feelings hurt because if it, it's your fault.....honesty works every time, even if you don't like the answer.

  9. Ask to read the letter after he finishes reading it; IF he doesn't suggest to you that you read it.  Let him know that as his girlfriend you have a right to know what he and his EX wife are communicating to each other.  Open, clear and honest communication is one of the foundations to a healthy relationship.  BTW - Digging to find the letter is NOT healthy!

  10. Ask him...he should tell you. It could be finishing paper from the divorce for all you know.  

  11. Just ask him what she said.

    If he says he would like it to be private, respect that.  Don't snoop in his stuff.

  12. Steam it open, read it and then put it back in the envelope!  I guess that would be playing games though and you would be opening someone's mail.  So, just ask him what it says but be prepared for him to say that he doesn't want you to read it.  

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