
Boyfriend & I want to have a kid but then he changes his mind?

by  |  earlier

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We have gone off & on about haveing a kid. He says yes at first, we try & as soon as I go to take the test he freaks out & says he doesn't want to have one. This has been going on for about 4 months. He says just wait. But i really want one! How can i convince him?




  1. he's not ready.  don't try to talk him into it because at some point he's going to say yes just to get you off his back. why don't you wait a year or so and see if he's ready then.  you want him to be the best dad he can be and not live with a life of regrets.

  2. He's not ready to be a father. You'd better wait for something like stability, career, marriage...

  3. You can't And unless YOU are ready to spend at least the next 18 years caring for a baby alone you had better both stop playing games. You are not talking about a doll or a puppy you are  talking about a human being.You need to grow up don't do this to yourselves or a baby.

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