I have a boyfriend.
But none of my friends like him.
I recently broke up with him, and recently got back together with him.
All my friends are mad at me for it.
They literally came up to me and said "WHY ARE YOU GOING BACK OUT WITH HIM?!"
Others slapped me, along with yelling that.
I like the guy I'm going out with..
But, I don't want all my friends to hate me..
Not just for a guy..
What should I do?
oh, and uh..
when we started going out again he text messeged some of his friends saying "Ugh! i'm going out with -------- again"
and, I asked his friends about that, and they said that he was just "confused" and afterwards he was "uber happy"
and if I tried asking my boyfriend, he'd deny it, and say that he never said that.
I really don't know what to do.
Please help.