
Boyfriend Problems..?

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I have a boyfriend.

But none of my friends like him.

I recently broke up with him, and recently got back together with him.

All my friends are mad at me for it.

They literally came up to me and said "WHY ARE YOU GOING BACK OUT WITH HIM?!"

Others slapped me, along with yelling that.

I like the guy I'm going out with..

But, I don't want all my friends to hate me..

Not just for a guy..

What should I do?

oh, and uh..

when we started going out again he text messeged some of his friends saying "Ugh! i'm going out with -------- again"

and, I asked his friends about that, and they said that he was just "confused" and afterwards he was "uber happy"

and if I tried asking my boyfriend, he'd deny it, and say that he never said that.

I really don't know what to do.

Please help.




  1. ask your friends why they dont like him. just sit them down and talk to them.

  2. if your friends are true friends then they'll be happy for you and support you. but friends are like boy-friends they come and go all the time don't get too caught up especially if ur a young girl there are other fish in the sea that your friends will like but they should not put you in the position where you have to choose between a lover and friends

  3. so your friends HIT you! and his friends actually used the word "uber"!!!!!!!  its all a bit sad, you should emigrate to get as far away from those wierdos as you can.

  4. First of all those girls aren't your friends.if they were they would have already learned that you can make your own decisions. Dont have any friends that are like that. Your boyfriend is obviously not traking the relationship serious. oh and he was so "confused" when he sent that message complaining he was back with you. His friends are on his side for a very bad reason to be with you . Drop both your "friends" and your "boyfriend".

  5. Guys are a dime a dozen ~ And it doesn't sound like you have any friends!

  6. you know, i think, that guy is a trip,., if he was worth it, and you know that he truly loves you, you should correct your friends, but if you think that hes not, better go with your friends and say your sorry..

  7. well if you reallly like him then i think you should tell your friends to try to accept him and if he did say that crewl stuff about you, you should ask him to tell you the truth and if you know for a fact that he said that about u and he confesses to it then i think you should stay with him because a good relationship is based on trust and honesty but if he says that he didnt say bad things to you and u know he did, you should leave him because if he cant tell the truth now how do u know if he will later on in life.  

  8. Drop your friends if they are hitting you

  9. Your friends are most likely right about your boyfriend. He may just be a jackass, but I think that you should take a break on the safe side because it seems like he doesn't know what he wants in a girlfriend at the moment.

  10. i thinks they are jealous of yours boyfriend. send them get well cards! they gots the jealousee disease!

  11. I've been in this situation. I guess a lot of the time your mates are concerned. Yea they definately shouldnt butt in but when they think they know better they will. Maybe re-assess your relationship with your boy. Are you really happy? If you are that's all that should matter and just tell your friends you don't want to hear it. Then maybe the reason they are so rude is that they are seeing something your not.. He may not be the one for you and you may be blinded by love or comortability.. I know i was. Hopefully tho he's the one for you and you guys stay together, your friends will eventually accept this.. If they don't.. get knew ones.. Hope I helped. Good Luck.  

  12. tell your friends that you can make your own dam decisions and that if your happy and he aint abusive then they should be happy for you
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