
Boyfriend and roommate.?

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I feel as if my boyfriend will not take our relationship to the next level because I have a roommate. Guys out there would this stop you from taking a relationship further? Also Ladies what's your opinion of this?




  1. That's the dumbest reason I have ever heard of. If that's the case then you need to get rid of this guy asap.

    Are you talking about status wise or s*x?

    I was refering to status wise.

  2. If a guy is the insecure jealous type, it will bother him, but it shouldn't bother a normal guy as long as your upfront about the nature of your r/ship with your roommate, if you've ever been attracted to him, etc.

  3. You're being very vague, "the next step" doesn't tell us much, also details on your roommate would help.

    From the info given: No, the fact that my girlfirend happened to pay rent with someone else would not hinder my emotions in the least.

  4. Is this roomate a guy or a girl? That changes everything. If it is a guy then, there ya go. If it girl, that wouldn't make any sense on why it should change how he would feel about you. So I am guessing it is a guy. Am I right or am I right?

  5. I have a roommate and we did but we are both quiet in the bedroom, if you want loud s*x it ain't gonna work, time to move in with the boyfriend!

  6. What is your roomate a girl or boy if it is a boy he will think you will cheat on him So in that case if it is a girl  then he is just a jerk!

  7. Well as long as the roommate isn't home when first starting out being intimate, I don't see what the big deal is. You are both adults.

  8. i can see his point if your roommate is always there..

    you two should try going to his house or hanging out somewhere else..after all, it's not your roommates fault.

  9. Is your roomate a boy?

  10. Well he might be saving his virginity for marriage =I I mean you don't need to be intimate to be in love with someone just saying...:)

  11. Simple, Dont let the roommate spoil everything.

    And tell your bf that nothing going on.

  12. well, in that sense he's a jerk if he'll be affected..who cares if u have a roommate? i used to have 6 roommates before...

  13. o, well first of all, i think that you 2 should go out as much as you can, and lay it down on the line that you only like your boyfriend, and u and ur roommate r just friends. he should trust you

  14. If he truly loves you, who cares you have a roommate?  

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